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Canon EOS 5D Mark II - something a little more definitive ...


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The author/publisher staked out the name so it can't be used, and put a publication date far enough out to make it achievable, but it will probably be rushed out sooner if the camera is released, as expected, by Photokina (September).
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All this tells you is that the author/publisher is testing out the market to see what the market for this book might be should a camera of this name ever be launched. It certainly does not tell you anything about the camera, its specification, or launch date, and it does not imply the book is written and ready to publish.
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"All this tells you is that the author/publisher is testing out the market to see what the market for this book"


No, she's the author of dozens of similar books, including one for the 5D. Not testing the waters -- the book is definitely coming out.

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<i> Wow, the book has already climbed to #137,408 in Amazon Sales Rank! </i><br>It'd that if a few people put it on their wish list.<br>

<i> Another tell-tale sign is rebates on the current 5D</i>

<br>Canon had rebates on 5D last spring (2007) as well as in 2006...

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I'm working on the EOS 50D user guide right now. All I have to do is find a publisher...


Rebates mean NOTHING about an item being upgraded. Just look at all the cameras and lenses which ave been rebated over the last few years which are still in current production and probably will be for many years to come.


However just like a clock that's stopped at midnight, preductions that rebates mean a new model are occasionally correct, if even by accident. They're more often right for camera bodies because the average camera body is only around for 3-5 rebate cycles, while lenses can stick around for 20 or more.

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Canon EOS 5D Digital Field Guide - April 28, 2008 283 pages


Canon EOS 5D Mark II Digital Field Guide - Nov. 10, 2008 304 pages.


Same Author & Same Publisher. Does anybody other than me think this might be a

typo. Perhaps it's a 2nd printing or a revised printing?


I'm still going to stand by what I said earlier this year, "We'll see an update to the

EOS 1D Mark III, before we see an update to the EOS 5D."

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It's strange that Charlotte Lowrie, the author, has already written 304 pages on how to use the 5D Mark II and somehow nothing has leaked out about the camera except unsubstantiated rumors. Very suspicious to me. Given that she has authored several other books, she probably has an advance to write the book when the camera actually does come out. I'm not holding my breath. That said, I just bought my 5D this week, so the new version should be out anytime now!
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Would that be an error in publishing it or an error in the title?


I'm sure it's an error. If the book was in planning I'm pretty sure Amazon shouldn't have listed it before any 5D MkII was announced by Canon and/or the publisher shouldn't have sent the info to Amazon.


If Canon had given advanced info to an author, it would certainly have been an error for the author to reveal anything about the project.

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"Would that be an error in publishing it or an error in the title?"


Sorry, my English..


The author mentioned that there is error in title - no such book exist and she does not have any idea if such camera exists.


However, I noted that amazon has not yet removed the title from their site even on Monday. Or was there public holiday on Monday in the US?

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The author has to say that... she probably signed a non-disclosure agreement with Canon.


Yes, Monday was a holiday. But now Tuesday is slipping away and it's still listed there on Amazon!


I'm sure all the authors of the after-market "how to use..." books get advance info and perhaps even prototype copies of the camera's they write up. They have to, in order to get books printed and to the market in anything close to a timely manner. A November publication would be a tight turnaround for a book, if the camera isn't announced until Photokina.


So, while they get some info and perhaps a peek in advance, I bet all those authors to sign and agree that they will keep it quiet.


Best guess is that, yes, an error was made. But it's not that the book isn't already roughed out or that a camera by that name isn't on the horizon. The mistake was that it leaked out on Amazon for all the world to see!

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