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Oh my goodness. Filters for film cameras absolutely WILL work on DSLRs.


Although the Hoya SMC UV filter is probably a fine protection filter, to say it is "about the best" is just not true. Most any multicoated UV filter will work fine as a protective filter. Build quality might be better from one of the elite brands like B+W.


Do try to get coated or multicoated filters, though. Uncoated filters will cause flare (ghost spots and reduced contrast) whenever there is a bright light hitting the filter.


What Rhys says about "digital" filters is true, though. Ignore anybody trying to claim that a filter is better suited for digital use.


As Peter hinted, watch out for coverage angle. But, in my experience, it's much more of a concern with full-frame cameras than with APS-C size (which is what most DSLRs are).

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Check out Tiffen's DFX software. It has hundreds of filter effects built in including the special ones for soft focus. Plus for the split image and gradient filters, you can move the points where the lines start. Virtually all filter types are represented, even the so-called Enhancement filter for autumn leaves.


Using this software, a protective filter, polarizer and a few ND split filters are probably all you'd need. Less to carry, less to buy. It's available as a stand alone or a plugin for various photo editors with different pricing for each. If it saves buying five filters, you're way ahead of the game.




Here's a link to the instruction manual which gives you a good idea of its flexibility.http://www.tiffen.com/results.html?search_type_no=446&tablename=dfx&family=Dfx+Software&



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