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Photographing in a public place - here we go again!

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Okay, so this time I'm not sure if this is a private shopping mall or public

street, but here is the link:



Without knowing whether this is public or priate property, it's difficult to

tell who is in the right / wrong. However, as with the other post I made on

this subject, and others commments, it does seem as though clarification needs

to be given to those in positions of authority.

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Well,let's see: You have have a street photographer challenging some kind of restriction (we don't know what), and a video camera that, gee, <i>just happens</i> to be there to record the incident, and nothing showing what lead up to the confrontation. Smells to me like a setup.
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> But we've got outrages taxes instead, wanna trade?


Only if we get the services you get from your government!


> Smells to me like a setup.


And, right on cue, Barney Fife took the bait.

Hopefully he'll be fired, and held up as an example for Gomer and Goober.


I can't wait to read more police state apologists like William.

Every time this comes up, there are photographers lined up to throw away their rights.


Photography is legal.


If there's any gray area in street photography, it has to do with publishing, not photographing a given subject.



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"What's the difference between this set up (if that's what it is) and Dateline setting up internet molesters?"


Well, the last time I looked, security guards aren't quite as much of a threat to the lives of children.



"I can't wait to read more police state apologists like William."


My point was that anyone who is not a little skeptical of the stuff that shows up on Flikr (or the internet in general) is sadly mistaken. If that makes me a "police state apologist", so be it......

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>>> Without knowing whether this is public or priate property, it's difficult to tell who is in

the right / wrong.




Perhaps next time you will make the effort to find out first before posting?

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Seems it's usually the bug 'n' blossom photographers who feel smug and above the fray on issues like this. See what they say when the restrictions encroach on their pet projects.


B&B Photographer: "What do you mean, I can't photograph that mountain?"


Officious Goon: "Because it's on public land."


B&B: "Right. Public land means we, the public, own it and have a right to photograph it."


Goon: "No, the government owns it and you have no rights."


B&B: "Whaddaya mean, I have no rights? Of course I have rights."


Goon: "Nope, you lost 'em years ago when you were too smug to notice they were being taken away piecemeal."


B&B: "Funny, you don't talk like a typical Stormtrooper Goon."


Goon: "ZZZzzzTTT!" (Taser sound.) "There, how does that sound?"


B&B: "But I used to (a.) Be a cop; (b.) Be in the military; (c.) Work for the government! I'm one of you!"


Goon: "ZZZzzzTTT!" (Taser again.) "Apparently you don't hear too well."

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The whole thing is getting absurd, but not in a funny way, in a nasty Kafkaesque way.


Once upon a time here in England we had what one might call the 'night-watchman' state, that is, it kept order and otherwise kept out of your hair. But now it, and its agents, like to poke their noses into eveything. Now, I pay my taxes, my car is always taxed, insured and has a current MOT (safety) certificate, I mow my front lawn and clip the shrubs. I stroke dogs, but I don't pat children on the head any longer because I'll either be accused of assault or child-molesting.


The whole country seems to have been taken over by hyper-officious non-entities in ill-fitting uniforms who seem to like just getting in other people's way.


Here endeth the rant!

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I wish a security guard would push me while I was taking photos here in Milwaukee. I would be able to buy a new camera, a few lenses and still have money left over to pay for a week at the Santa Fe Workshop. Having the push recorded on video would be icing on the cake.
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