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Nikon 9000 repair

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My computer is no longer recognizing my Nikon 9000 scanner. I've tried re-

installing the drivers, as well as connecting it to another computer - but it

still isn't recognized. The only option for repair that I've found so far is

to send it back to Nikon in New York. I think that the problem is probably

with the card that connects to the Firewire port. (The power light comes on,

and I can hear the scanner motor moving.) If I could find the card for the

port, I would try swapping it out myself. So... my question is, does anyone

know if I can get parts for the scanner? Any other ideas are also

appreciated. Thanks!

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First step would be to insure the Firewire port on your computer is working. I am not sure what operating system you are using. For Windows go to the Device Manager, expand the FIREWIRE entry and be sure there are no yellow Exclamation Marks (!) by the Firewire entry.


If you have another Firewire device, try hooking it to the port and see if it works.


As Craig suggested, check your cable. Use another one if you have it.


Call Nikon 1-800-645-6689. This is a 24/7 number, but you will probably get better service if you call during Prime Shift.

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The Nikon 9000 will not work with all Firewire cards - this is a known problem. I am using the Firewire card that came with my 9000, but have read post on other forums where people have problems with other Firewire cards. Do you have it plugged into the exact same Firewire card as when it was working?


I understand if the Firewire card has the TI chipset it will not work. Don't know what chipset is required for it to work. If you talk to Nikon, ask them what Firewire card they include with the 9000.

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Thanks for the replies. I tried another firewire card in my computer, but I never did try a new cable, so I'll give that a shot. I'm using the card that came with the scanner now. I don't have any other firewire devices, but that would certainly help isolate the problem. Thanks for the ideas...
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