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Daily sampling of our members work: fine-tune of the new pop-up?


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Here are my observations...


Using Safari (v3.0.4) The pop up window opens, but not to full frame. The right side is

cut off right at the middle of the (close the window) "X".


In Internet Explorer (v5.2.3 for Mac) the pic opens in a new window, but the "X" doesn't

work. I have to use the back button to return to the original page. I never use IE except

to test web site edits.


In Firefox (v2) it works beautifully.


In Opera (v8.0.2) it works beautifully.


That's all I got.



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Josh, what do you think about my original question. Basically, if I click on the image, it's usually because I want to view it. I appreciate it's a good idea to offer the side journey to the photographer's full portfolio, but typically all I want is to view *that* photo. After that first click, my mouse is at the middle of the thumbnail of the image. Would it be possible/practical/reasonable to just do a second click where I am (center of image), and be taken to the image. Currently I have to detour down to the lower left corner, where "view image" provides the link.


I appreciate this is not a massive effort, and I am thoroughly lazy, LOL, but just thought I'd ask.

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