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Copying files to CD/DVD


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Can anyone help.I have been asked by a local widlife group if I could supply

them with images of Birds from my collection, for them to use as

educational/information posters at their new bird feeding station in a nearby

nature reserve. This sounds really stupid I know but I cannot find a simple

way of taking say 50 images and burning them to disk. I use Adobe photoshop

elements 4. I tried creating a "collection" and burn to disk but I got a

warning saying that a proxy file would be created and I would need the disk to

view the images in the future. I'm sure there must be a simple way of doing

this , any suggestions. Thanks in anticipation. Stephen.

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Stephen if you have a CD or CD/DVD burner it came with some software (like Record Now or Nero) to make a "data" disk. Simply follow the directions. It will ask you to insert a blank disc and will allow you to select the files you want to transfer to disc. It may ask you if you want to make a disc to share with others. Answer yes.


The result will be a disc that contains the actual image files you chose.

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If you are using Windows XP and a CD or DVD burner, it's a cinch. Basically open Windows File Explorer. Arrange the left pane to show the folder your photos are in and the burner's folder. With a burnable disc in the burner drive simply drag the files you want and drop them onto burner's icon. It keeps these files in a temp folder. When you've moved over the ones you want, simply click the file tab at the top of the screen and click write to disk. You'll be prompted to give a volume label to the disc if you wish. Click OK and you're off and tunning. "X" minutes later, you're done.


Only foilable here is that this way Windows stupidly does not cap the total size and you can bring over more files than fit on that disc. You won't know that until you go to write and are told, oops too many! A STUPID IMPLEMENTATION. Then you have to pare down the total to equal the MB or GB space available. 3rd party software does a better job, but the Windows feature is the classic drag & drop. Sounds hard but it's pretty intuitive.


Good luck,


Jim M

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Jim M. Live and learn. I didn't know that WinXP could do that. And it does it a lot faster than Record Now.


My computer, though, requested a step that you didn't mention. It informed me that my blank CD was not formatted and ask whether it should format the CD. I said yes and we were off to the races.


Actually I thought that the drag-and-drop feature was restricted to re-writable CD's which are not generally readable by other OS's. I don't have a non-WinXP computer so I'm going to rely on you to assure me (and Stephen) that CD's made this way are readable by other MS OS's and by Mac's.

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Curtis ... In response. My PCs do not ask me to format, perhaps the CD blanks I'm using are preformatted. I haven't seen that request since I've switched to natively writing with XP, that I recall. In any respect, I just burned a partial CD to test your question. Note also, the CD can be put back into the burner and added to until capacity is reached a 2nd, 3rd, etc. time. So, it's not like the old days where you had to close a session and lose the ability to append more data.

I took the CD in question to machines that ran Windows 95 and 98 and 2000 here at work. I was able to fully read and use the CD in any of the PCs readers. The 2000 machine had a reader in one bay and a burner in another. In no case, was the CD a problem. I reads fine, of course, on any XP and Vista beast also.

I'll say, I have no idea about Mac, you have to do your own homework on that. Jim M's long standing tradition ... ' avoid Apple cores, they have worms !!!! ' ... :-) (humor) I have no Mac familiarity, so really don't know. Hope this helps. Make sure you have the most recent Service Pack of XP installed, so all the little unbeknownst bells and whistlers are resident. Jim ' burn baby, burn ' M.

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