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Going Mac

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I'm going to get myself a Macbook (not pro).


I'll get more RAM but not from Apple.


In terms of software....


There's Lightroom, Aperture and Photoshop Elements/ CS3.


Which is the best? I'm using PSE2 on my PCs and have held off buying a more

advanced version for a couple of years since I knew I was going down the Mac route.


Heck, when I go down the Mac route I might well reformat my existing Windows

laptop and use it under Linux!

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I will just warn you about something which has been a real pain to me. The macbook screen

is very glossy and the vertical gradient you get is very annoying if you want to do some

serious photography. The image changes drastically with the tilt of the screen as a result you

are never sure how the image would look on another screen. There is no point trying to

calibrate the monitor to any decent degree because of this as well. I would suggest you to go

for a desktop or a macbook pro at least (in which case the effect is much sobered).

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CS3 or Elements will do small areas or the pic, neither of the other two will.


That means you can not burn/dodge.


The glossy screen is fine if there is no back light.


Buy a mouse for the laptop for editing. You can nat make selections without it.


i GB is fine for CS3 unless you run big TIFFS. Try your stuff first.


Elements is a good starter, but I would miss some features of CS3 like actions, lens

correction filter, and layer masking.

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If you're going Mac, it would be silly, IMO, to not get software from Apple. The biggest selling point of a Mac is the usability of their software, and that it's typically as "pretty" as their hardware. I would suggest getting Aperture -- at least trying it out! Also, I would suggest selling your existing laptop and putting that money, together with your "new laptop money", towards a MacBook Pro. The larger resolution options are going to be quite handy.
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<i>"Buy a mouse for the laptop for editing. You can nat make selections without it."</i>


I'm not sure what Ronald means by this. You can do anything with the trackpad that you can with a mouse.


Perhaps he means that using the trackpad is annoying when making selections vs using a mouse. In which case I would agree. However, you do not HAVE to have a mouse.

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Out of curiosity, I just tried Bibble Lite. Very nice - a bit sluggish on my surfing PC but it produced some very nice results.


The whole point of the Macbook versus the Pro is that it's small. Otherwise I'd get the iMac. If the EEEPC had been any good then I'd have got one of those. It lacks badly though as Linux is still very poor for photo processing.


I have two aims in getting a Macbook:

1. To get away from Windows.

2. To get something capable but small and lightweight.


I would have gone for the Macbook Air but for the fact I don't want to spend $1700 on something that can't really handle external optical drives other than its own.

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