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Newbie Help! What is wrong with this film?

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just developed my second roll of 120 and this time i used all the right gear(i

think). however as you can see, there is a problem with my process. can

someone shed some light on what i did wrong? thanks for any help in advance.



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It looks like light leakage. I suspect when you were loading or unlloading the film you didn't keep it tightly wound, or direct sunlight fell on the roll. Always keep yourself between the light and the film so that you cast a shadow over it as you load and unload. Also keep a tight grip on th efilm as you load and unload it to prevent the paper backing unrolling and so letting light in.
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Agree, I believe it's not during processing. Otherwise light leaks would be all over not just

the edges.


Looks like it happened either loading or unloading the film with the camera. If those little

devilish light leaks are at the beginning of the film I suspect it happened during loading

the film. If the leaks are only at the end of the film I bet you it happened when taking the

film out of the camera.


Hope this helps!

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Definitely looks like a light leak while handling the film outside the camera. I'd bet money that either the paper backing wasn't wound on tightly enough, or that it came loose while you were handling the film. You need to be extra careful about this with 120 roll film. Alway load and unload in subdued light, and be sure that the takeup mechanism in the camera is operating properly. The takeup mechanism problem is most prevalent in older box cameras.
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hmm, i missed that comment.


Thanks all for the help. Just thinking back to when i removed the film; i put it in my drink holder of my car, drove 60km and when i grabbed the film, the paper was kind of loose. these leaks are at the end of the roll. I shall be more carefull in future.


Thanks again.

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And hey, for what its worth (and what I can tell from the picture, not the perfect way to judge a neg) that looks like a very nicely exposed and developed roll of film. The upside is that next time, all things being equal but no light leaks, you should be very happy with the results!

Lick the tape well - I find the minty taste from Ilford especially satisfying, with a lovely, fruity tone with notes of herbs and a smooth finish with just the slightest hint of aftertaste. Yum :)

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serious? i like using the fuji because it has a sticker but i am not aware of a lick and stick on the ilford. i found it strange that it didn't stick and i have actually since put a little roll of sticky tape in my bag. i will check it out.
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