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Case of the dissapearing/reappearing photos, comments and ratings


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I'm relatively new to photo.net and just now starting to submit my photos for

critique. I've run into a large number of bugs and finally figured out the

solution, figured I'd pass it on. Here's my laundry list of bugs:


-Uploaded photos sometimes don't appear in my gallery.

-Photos that my workspace says have comments don't appear to have them

-The photo count for my portfolio doesn't match the actual number of pictures

you have

-Changes to a photo's info don't seem to hold


For the layman, the solution. If a page is not displaying as expected hold down

shift and click refresh. This forces your browser to get the most recent version

of the page, which has fixed these problems for me.


For the developers, basically these all seem to be cache issues. Just about

every page on the site is getting cached (for me, running Firefox 2.0 and

Windows) and doesn't change until the cache expires or, as above, you force a



One bug that still is holding for me is particularly odd. My girlfriend created

an account the other day and uploaded this photo:

http://www.photo.net/photo/6831253. It's under her account & name

and appears in her portfolio. However, when I click on the "Single Photos" link

on my page it also appears in my portfolio, *despite the individual picture

still having her name on it*. Even more odd, if I instead click "Manage my

portfolio" then "View all" my portfolio appears correctly, ie just with my photos.


Anyway, that's my contribution to bug hunting, hope it helps.



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Most strange what has happened here. Apparently, her photo got added to your Single

Photos folder. Perhaps this is possible if you were logged in when starting the photo upload

and somewhere during that process, she logged in. As a result, when checking for a valid

folder ID, you were logged in. And when the upload was completed, she was logged in.

Anyway, there may be no way to know for sure.


I've created a Single Photos folder for Sarah and moved the photo to that folder. All should

be well now.

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