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Trying to find the owner of these incredible photos

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Does anyone out there have any idea who shot these? Or know a source who does.




They have been uploaded to lots of blogging sites. They are well shot and I'm thinking it must be ripped

from a photographer's website.


Your help is much appreciated.


Many thanks




Tom Broadbent

Picture Editor

Bizarre Magazine


+44 (0)20 7907 6485

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Hey, nature is a rough place. I've encountered many still-alive birds in various states of disrepair. Hawks, domestic cats, foxes, coyotes - they've all left some rough-looking birds where I've found them and in most cases, finished them off - though another animal <i>will</i> do so soon, whether you do or not.


As for it being a strange sight... well, birds have skinny necks, and that hawk stripped the feathers off of the gull, and bloodied it some. The photos are certainly an unusual thing to capture, but if you have any sense of bird anatomy, it's just... well, bird anatomy. Nature is rough. Predators have no sense that their prey should meet a tidy or bloodless end to make it easier on us staring-at-our-own-mortality observers. And there are plenty of scavengers that will happily clean up after these episodes, and they have babies to feed! Folks: this stuff is happening every second whether a good lens is pointed at it or not. These images can certainly provoke some empathy, but you've got to keep it in perspective, especially if you're having a chicken salad sandwich for lunch.

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I could have shot a similar photo like this in my backyard only last Friday -- a raptor of some sort had a bird in its claws and couldn't get over my fence (with the captured bird) and he started tearing the bird apart. I didn't photograph it, but could've easily shot it super close-up with my 200mm.
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Matt has a good point, animals are neither cruel nor kind, they just earn their living.


We have a bit of land with plenty of both prey and predatory animals earning their living. Rabbits eat our food, foxes eat rabbits. They also eat our (true) free range hens, especially if they wander too far. The foxes also eat rats, so we tolerate them unless they get lazy and go too near the hen hotel, in which case I interfere with nature - 250 pellets travel faster than foxes :-)


People are less efficient and less humane than other animals, and it's my guess that if most people knew about the short, miserable lives and nasty deaths of most chickens they wouldn't eat chicken sandwiches


I have a lot of respect for people who can get good photos of animals being animals - it's very unusual to even see a predator in action, let alone be in the right place, in the open, to photograph it.

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