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Attaching image to posting ease of use


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Suggestions like this are always more helpful when a user explains what problems they are having with the current system. This helps us to double check our own findings against what other users are experiencing.


By just saying "You need to fix something", you are missing out on a chance to make sure that your specific issue gets addressed.

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No, it's not really helpful. What problems are you currently having attaching images to forum postings?


Realize that photo.net doesn't (and can't) know which photo you want to upload or where it's located on your hard drive--you'll always have to provide that information.

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  • 2 months later...



I have seen many threads in which a poster (often not a new user) fumbles around, making

multiple reposts, trying to get all the of the inline criteria right, (captioning, image size,

some quirks as to exact JPEG standard) in order for an image to appear in line in a posting.


I've done it a few times myself, either because I forgot to caption the image, or because i

forgot that the standard save dialog from my image software makes the 'wrong kind' of




Here are a few examples from this year, found by some quick searches on variations of

'oops', 'inline image', ....


<a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00OH5L">



<a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00MqQx">




<a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00MC1W">




<a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00JrQA">




You will have to scroll thru the posting to find the fumbling.

More searching will quickly find more examples of this (lack of) ease of use issue.



One means of improving the ease of use would be to run a conversion on uploaded

images, to meet whatever conventions the site requires, and not rely on users to locate

and apply the standards to their images.


Another would be to warn if the post if an uploaded image failed the standards check,

with a message stating what the problem with the image is.


Yet another would be to relax the standards, so the more images would pass the check.


And another would show the image placement as part of the 'confirm' dialog, so that a

user could see that an image was about to go out of line, and then be able to correct it,

just as typos or bad links/HTML can be seen and fixed as part of posting confirmation.


&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp...Tom M

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  • 1 month later...

The No Words forum doesn't require entering any text or captions. It even automagically resizes photos. Maybe it would be easier to change the default for all discussion forums to this method. Just leave text and captions optional.


Some folks will find it annoying to see photos lacking context or explanation, but at least it will cut down on complaints about difficulty in posting photos inline with discussion forums.

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