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Price For Cover Photo


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Tony, The location is Minnesota, and the market is home buyers. I don't know the circulation or how much they've paid in the past. Is that something they'll tell you? They're looking at 'a couple of other artists' and want to know if mine is available for sale. The shot was not hard to get and doubt anyone else has it...

Peter, that software looks great and I may get it sometime soon, but I need to give this person a quote ASAP.


Thank you both for your time. A ballpark figure was what I was looking for.



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good start. I would guess youre looking at the $200-500 range, but no more than that at best - the market, circulation size and the clientel are key.


Minnesota is too vague, that's like saying california. I think you need to know if your dealing with an outfit that thinks they are doing you a favor for asking, or if it's a deal where they are really buying the best that they can and like your images. It is okay to ask, i they usually are very honest about this kind of thing. . .

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