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Which leica P&S should I buy?

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Ok so someone stole my P&S on a recent vacation (canon) so I'm looking for

another. Thinking of these:


Minilux (available locally used in excellent condition for $300)

Minilux titanium available at tamarkin for $600 or so (is it worth the price

over the normal minilux?)


Leica CM (I've actually found one for around 600) I sort of like this one the

best since its the newest and its actually made by leica in Germany.


So which of these should I go for and are the prices right? Anything I need to

know etc?

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I hate to be negative but I would look elsewhere for a p&s.


The Minilux is infamous for having electronic errors. The cm, which is an upgraded version of the minilux, has it's own set of problems ranging from peeling leatherette to a poorly designed focusing wheel which has a weak indent and is easily knocked out of position. I have also heard of electronics problems with the cm. My Z2x developed a shutter problem. Leica charged my $140 to fix it. Then it happened again. I ended up throwing it in the trash. Do a search on pdn for minilux and cm and you will have plenty of complaints to read about.


But on the other hand, Leica's optics are great, clearly many steps ahead of consumer grade p&s's like the Olympus Epic, which I own. I benchmarked my Z2x against my Nikon primes and it gave almost equal results. Leica does a great job with their optics but electronics seem not to be their forte.


Sometime I think of getting another Z2x but then I ask myself if I really want to worry about another shutter failure. I don't think it's worth it.

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Best bang for the buck is the original Leica 'Mini'. Think it was Leica's first point and shoot. 3.5 Elmar w/autofocus and built in flash, UVa filter, databack. etc. The lens IS sharp.


Only fault on a $100 camera like it is auto wind, which I never really liked in any camera.


Second choice is a Olympus XA. But really that's not a P&S/



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I purchased a Leica CM this year. I've been photographing for 35 years. I use a Hasselblad, an Olympus OM4, and a Bronica RF 645. These days when I go out, I always grab the CM. I recently used it on a two week vacation in Europe. Image quality was outstanding. I presently have it loaded with Velvia for my fall pictures. The best part is it just rides on my belt; size is similar to a compact digicam; but the slide quality is amazing. I like the fixed 40mm lens; the field of view is always in my head. The only thing I can't do with it is close focus; it's limited to 37 inches.
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I have both a Minilux (fixed lens) and CM zoom. The latter is better built, has a better

feel to it, and auto focuses better. Additionally, the Minilux has max shutter speed of

1/400 and f16 smallest aperture. You will get blown highlights with ISO 400 film in

daylight. And the Minilux defaults to auto flash every time it's turned on, whereas the

CM flash stays where you set it. You can see some CM shots on Velvia in my <a

href="http://homepage.mac.com/richam/PhotoAlbum115.html">Patras Carnival</a>


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The Minilux is fantastic. The optics are truly excellent. I like small cameras, but I don't like to sacrifice image quality. The Minilux delivers. I've read about the electronic problems, I know it will have to be thrown in the trash someday. But I got mine from KEH for less than $300 about a year and a half ago, and it's given me the best photos I've ever taken. I can't put a price on the enjoyment it's provided. If it dies, I'll buy another.
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Well I bought a minilux (CM still to much!) its a two owner with only 120 shots through it from a fellow member here. Can't wait to get it!


Paid 286 shipped. not bad I've paid more for P&S cameras before. And as for the error concern I've dealt with stuff like this before-my canon scratched all to hell (they tend to do this according to reviews) and my olympus lens door broke. It happens if it breaks I'll just use that as an execuse to upgrade :)


Thanks guys!

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I've had a Mini II for several years. It's a pretty good little camera. I like[d] to shoot Kodachrome 200 with it, but lately have been shooting that B&W Kodak C-41 stuff with good results.

It's been dropped and left out in the heat and the cold and it keeps on going as long as the battery is fresh.

The Mini III is also pretty good, we've used one here at work for various things and it's been a pretty tough li'l camera too.

IMO, they're good value for the money.

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