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Is Minolta XD-11 an electronic control shutter?

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I am quite new to photography. I got a Minolta XD-11 on Ebay. Somehow,

sometimes the shutter does not fire when I am testing it. I took the battery

off, the shutter won't fire at all.


I do not know if this camera is an electronic controlled shutter, or I still

do not know how to use it.


Please give me advise if you either use it or had this model before.



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This was one of the common ways the XD series failed in the days when they were current

(yes, I'm that old :). I actually owned a couple of these that I bought new, but within a year of

regular use both cameras exhibited the symptoms you describe. I knew others who had the

same experience. I tossed the cameras and wrote it off to experience. The SRT's that came

before it were GREAT, though. I'm not sure XD-11's are repairable today.

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I just picked up a Minolta XD-11. I had it serviced at garryscamera. It currently works fine. Any camera that old you should assume that when you purchase it it will need a CLA & light seals replaced. The Minolta MD lenses are fine lenses and not very expensive. Just to go a little further while we are on the topic of this camera: Has anyone compard the Minolta XD-11 (7, which is the same camera) to the Canon AE-1 & the Olympus OM -1 -2?
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Since I own one that I bought through auction, I suggest you return it as non-working to the seller. There are too many listed out there that are working to bother with a non-working one. If that's not possible, then I suggest trying to get it serviced. They can be repaired, but it takes a qualified person or some knowhow to do it. To just throw it away seems a silly waste.
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Thanks, Uncle Goose. I tried your advice. It is true. After I take the battery out, put the shutter on B or O, the shutter fires. So, it is a combination of electronic and mechanical shutter. Interesting!


Thanks Malcolm Denton for the hyperlink. It pretty much confirmed what Uncle Goose said.


So, I think it works fine. I only have to try it out more. But, one thing of this model is its leather shrinkage after all these years. There is no sign of repair has been done on this camer, but the leather seams pill off from the body. I read some comments from the website that Malcolm provided. It is one of the very few problems for this model. More cosmetic issue, rather than functional issue.


Thanks for everybody's help!

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Try at your own risk! I have had this problem with other cameras. On the XD-11 it was the film holder in the back. I used "Loctite" "Extreme Repair Adhesive". Make sure the surfaces are relatively clean. Again, try at your own risk. I just did not want to go about removing the "skin" and replacing it. This product worked for me. It is available at any hardware store for less than $5.
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Not all the old XD-11s have the skin-shrinking problem. I have one that I bought used from Brooklyn Camera Exchange. The leather is perfect, and the camera has worked flawlessly for six years of heavy use. It has some great features; you made a good choice when you bought it. I believe Sherry Krauter repairs XD-11s when she's not working on Leicas.


The electronics have gone out on a lot of the Canon AE-1s, and the Olympus OMs are easily damaged. Stay with the Minolta and enjoy those great and very underpriced MD lenses.

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Ssssh! Those lenses won't stay underpriced long if you keep that kind of talk up!


I had a Canon AE-1, A-1, and an Olympus OM-2S and I can say that it all depends on how you shoot which one of the three you'll like. There were strengths and weaknesses to all. I got on well with the AE-1 and A-1 (though I seemed to prefer the simpler AE-1), less well with the OM-2S and found that I like the XD-11 the best of all handling-wise, but now I like my new XE-7 even better though it has less features.


I also think reskinning is probably the best option for shrinking leather. You're right about the leather, not all are susceptible. The later ones had a leather that did not shrink like the early ones, and cameraleather has a replacement that is apparently close to the original in feel and look. I'm going to redo mine in something totally different, though.



I am glad your camera is working correctly - it is a very nice model and once you get familiar with it I think you will like it. I bought mine a few months ago and have enjoyed it so much that I got the D winder and 320X dedicated flash for it as well.

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