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Konica Centuria 100 slide film users?

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Is there a pronounced magenta color cast with Konica Centuria 100 slide film?


I have just bought a dozen films for less than $4 a roll process paid (in the

UK). Looking at some posted images on PN it seems that a high proportion of

sunlit landscape shots show a magenta cast but very many others (possibly

slightly underexposed shots) don't. My monitor is calibrated, but I obviously

can't tell if other folks' images are really purple because of a film,

processing or scanning issue. Any experiences please, and in what conditions, etc?


I'd like to use a few rolls shortly (with a Leica IIIa and Canon 50/1.8) on a

short trip to Belgium, but might forgo this and use my regular film if Centuria

is an unknown quantity. Thanks, AC

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I did a July 4th fireworks project with something called Konica Chrome R-100. I had the same concerns before i did the shoot after hearing someone used it and got a green cast. The fireworks are against a black background and I notice no color shift in the blacks at all. The blacks aren't exactly jet black either, more like a charcoal gray, like pre 1976 Ektachrome.........
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That sounds about right from what I can remember of this film from using it in the States many years ago. There's a reason it is less expensive, apart from the fact that Konica have gone out of the film business. Their print film is pretty decent though. I have been very lucky with Fuji. Provia, Velvia and Astia are all worthwhile with Provia being the most predicatable and reliable for me personally. Also, if you can locate something called Sensia (can't find it in Japan), that is great. It is basically Provia but not the "Professional" version, which from what I understand, means it ages differently.
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In Japan, Konica used the name 'Centuria' only for color negative film, not slide. I wonder if this is actually Konica 'Sinbi' 100, the last slide film Konica produced. If so, Sinbi 100 was a wonderful film, one I used quite often. Very clean, neutral, no magenta (or any other color) casts. Popular with nature photographers here for its natural, unexaggerated color. Somewhat higher than normal contrast. There was also a Sinbi 200 which had a slight warm cast.


If your Centuria film is actually Sinbi 100 and has a magenta cast, there is definitely something wrong with it.

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