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TMAX 100 developed in Ilfosol

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Dear Friends,


I developed a roll of TMAX 100 (rated at ISO 100) with Ilfosol, for the

suggested time indicated in the chart provided with the developer.


It seems to me that the film is a little bit underdeveloped and it therefore

lacks of contrast.


Did you have experience same problems in developing this film using the times

suggested by Ilford for Ilfosol?






PS. enviroment temperature was 20 celsius degree (as indicated by Ilford).

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How old is your Ilfosol S, it's noted for sudden failure. Although the failure is usually complete.


Your thermometer may not be accurate.


You may need more time, or more exposure.


Every B&W data sheet points out that "these are only starting times".


Shoot a sunny contrasty scene. Bracket by half stops or third stops for a stop or so. Develop say 15% longer than your last try, and see if there's an exposure there that you like. Full shadow detail, non-blocked highlights.


I've been very happy with Ilfotec DD-X for TMAX 100. It's even more expensive than Ilfosol S (lower dilution), but it's a really excellent soup. I found Ilford's time for it dead-on (checked by densitometer), but I have the old version of TMAX 100.

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