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A funny thing happened at the wedding......

marc s

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Here's one that's never happened to me before.


I'm shooting the reception, and in the middle of the dance floor, when suddenly someone reaches over

and grabs me right on the rear! I'm not talking about a pinch. We're talking about a REALLY big grab and

carassing! While I'm sure exactly who did it, lucky for me it was a group of pretty attractive women!


Needless to say that's one shot that turned out a little shaky.


I've heard of photographers hitting on the women at a reception. This is the first I've heard one of the

guest hit on the photog!


Marc S

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I've actually had a couple experiences like that. At one wedding, the entire group of 8 groomsmen all brought me out to the dance floor and pretty much "sandwiched" me. Another time, a guy was winking at me and his wife saw him and hit him over the head with her purse. I think they were all at least a little drunk.
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I had an assitant once who used to be a model. A good one. One who actually got lots of paid jobs. I had to stop using her because every wedding there would be some groomsman who thought just because he was in a tux he was instantly irresistable. It was like shooing flies. I spent so much time telling them to leave her alone. She would wear a fake wedding ring sometimes, and even that didn't help.
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It's happened to my husband as well. While I was doing a few shots the bride had requested of misc. family, the groom's sister-in-law hit on my husband, pulling him on to the dance floor, etc. He had to physically push her off him and let her know that I was in attendance, and was a Marine before she finally backed off! HAHA
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HAHA thats classic! I have to say after hundreds of weddings I have not had that happen to me yet, but I have had women give me "the look" at times. I am happily married to a womderful woman, so I never give it a second thought. But its still funny! LOL!
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that is nothing, My crew would sleep with the maid of honor and many times they did.


One time the videographer was looking for a lens, it was in the reception hall and he thought it must be in the B&G room, well he goes there and looks , and he sees two people boinking. some brides ask for "Naughty" pictures, this is when the assistants get kicked out :(

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So far nothing like that has happened at a wedding. I did have an interesting encounter with a bachelorette party when I used to host a web show for Nola.com. The bachelorette's mother grabbed me and gave me a hickey.
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I was once shooting a wedding, and all day long the maid of honor was flirting with me. I was as professional as they come. Toward the end of the night while I am shooting some candids, I feel someone behind me, real close, and some warm breath in my ear. A seductive voice says" If we go to your car I will ............" I froze, turned and smiled, said I was flattered. I then turned and contined to shoot.
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