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Kind of killing the photographic mood


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You know,


I never have really complained about the Ad's that have popped up on this site

the last year or so. They have really never bothered me.

But, my God. Just now I made a nice cup of coffie, and sat back and was going

to relax by looking at the excellent photography on the top photos page when

the "28 day's later" Ad did it's thing. Now, I have no issues with having Ads

on this site. I know their needed for revenue. But that Ad actually kills

the "photographic mood"...Brian

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FWIW, the plan I have been told is for no ads to be on the front page in the near future.


Also, keep in mind that if everyone blocks out the ads. We don't make any money. And if we don't have any money, It's hard to pay for things like server space. To say nothing of programmers to improve site features.


Nothing is free.

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I don't expect free. I pay for my membership and would pay more for the benefits I receive by participating in PN. Some ads are totally distracting and detract from my participation. If I have to block all ads to avoid the "all-flashing, all-jumping, all-distracting" ones, I will do so.


If you offer a "deluxe membership" plan in which I could avoid seeing ANY ads in exchange for a higher fee, I will consider it.



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We don't have a lot of control over the ads, which are supplied by third parties. If you don't like an ad, wait a week or two. Most of the campaigns are short-lived. We have used the ad money to buy all new servers, hire a programmer for the site who has a computer science degree from MIT and relevant work experience, etc.
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