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I tend to agree with the previous thought that you didn't have enough developer to completely cover the reel. I once did a test to see what would happen if there were just a bit too little developer and the results were just like this. I've also seen under-agitation cause similar problems and think that since you were under agitating it might be at least part of the problem.


As far as agitation and Diafine go, as long as you don't put the can in a paint shaker you will be fine. Part A soaks into the emulsion and unless you are really vigorous with your agitation, you won't wash it out before it becomes active. I would try it again and agitate normally- your results should be much better. Diafine is a perfectly fine two-part developer and if you treat it like any other developer it should work as it was designed.


- Randy

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Hmmm! I'd expect a more defined "tide line" if the developer wasn't covering the film properly.


If it's an agitation problem, it's more likely to be due to too little agitation, rather than too much. Are you sure you didn't overfill the tank, and not leave any airspace? Because that'll do it.


So-called "surge marks" from overagitation are extremely rare, IME. i.e. I've never experienced them in over 40 years. Besides, surge marks would give a higher density next to the sprocket holes, and your example shows lower densities in those areas.


Unless you're aiming for stand development, stick to an agitation method that you know works. Two swift inversions per minute, that's one inversion about every 30 seconds, holding the tank upside down for long enough to let the air bubble through, is the method I've used for the last 30 years or more. And in all that time I've never had any uneven development marks.

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I've only seen the 'tide line' (good descriptor) when there way too little developer, and then often in conjunction with bubble marks. If there is almost enough developer, or you are using a two-part developer, the 'tide line' may not be apparent, but the uneven development around the sprocket holes can still exist, at least in my experience (I see a lot of students here at work who make lots and lots of mistakes).


- Randy

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