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I am using Rodinal as we talk I got my Syrenge free at the Drug Store... if you are afraid to ask they are 99 cents ......


I did not quite understand his question.... I use 1-50 and 1-100 and at times 1-200 with stand.

With R-09 that is 1-40 1-80 and 1-200 Yes I use 1-200 with R-09 it works fine.... 1 hour.


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You can get it from Freestyle again, but if you want to mix it yourself, it is important to mix in the order the formula shows the chemicals. Mix each one at a time until it is completely dissolved, then mix the two parts together.


Here is a link to detailed directions for mixing your own




You can also get a kit from the Photographers Formulary that will give you all the chemicals pre-measured in small bags. Just follow their directions, which are also detailed, and it should turn out fine.


What exactly were you having problems with? If we know which step is the problem we might be able to offer suggestions.


- Randy

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In a pinch, from a previous thread:

I dont have a beaker to measure 5 ml but...


My tank is a 500 ml tank for 120 film


1 US teaspoon = 4.92892161 ml


500 ml water + 1 teaspoon = 1:100


500 ml water + 2 teaspoons = 1:50


500 ml water + 4 teaspoons = 1:25


Don't reuse the teaspoon for food

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I also just finished up a roll in Rodinal. When I first started developing, I heard so much about Rodinal that I knew I had to give it a try. I was using D-76 and HC-110 but I was quickly sold on Rodinal. Unless I'm shooting Delta 3200 (which I use Clayton F-76+ for) I use Rodinal for everything else. When I heard Agfa was going under I bought up every bottle in LA I could find. Even now that's it's being made again I still pick up a bottle or two whenever I'm at Freetstyle. Just in case.
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If you mean you can't measure it from right out of the bottle, maybe you should go back to the sandbox.


These types of questions frustrate me no end. "I can't do it it's too hard...but I love it, so what else can I use that's different but looks the same?"


Go to the freakin $1 store, get a small plastic measuring cup, measure out 1oz then add enough water for what your preferences are.


Gee, that was SOOOOOOOO hard, now wasn't it?

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I sometimes get a wax build up in my ears, which I clean out occasionally with some warm salty water in a syringe. I also

use a syringe to measure rodinal. I bet you can all see where this is going! Dont get your syringes mixed up - I had a splitting headache

for 4 days thanks to a head full of dilute rodinal. At least they can still claim no animal testing!

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