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CCD problems?


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just posted a question this afternoon, and then went out and shot the sunset

with my hassie.


took my D50 along for the ride and as a lightmeter, but now im getting the

shots from the D50 onto my computer and they seem to be noisy, and have low

line definition.(look pixely) i was shooting ISO 200 RAW+jpg basic and im not

happy with these results at all. especially after all the great shots ive had

with my D50.


could there be a problem with my CCD? i certainly hope not, seeing as this

might cost me a small fortune to fix, might as well buy a new camera. \


im using a horrible lens(nikkor 28-80mm f/3.5-5.6 and that might be some of

it, i was shooting from a tripod with my remote release focussing on infinity

most of the time. the photos still werent sharp, might be in part due to the



any ideas? this is getting to be a real problem.


thanks in advance



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