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tmax dilution

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To make a stock Solution you mix the bottle with water to get a gallon. To use it as a working solution you dilute that gallon as needed with 1 part Stock solution to 4 parts water..


Alot of people just mix it as needed from the syrup in the origional bottle but I never had good luck with this with Tmax developer.. Hc-110 and Rodinal have never been a problem.



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Since the concentrate lasts a long time, I don't mix a whole gallon at once. I mix T-Max developer a quart at a time, or even a pint at a time. To make a quart: 32oz divided by 5 equals 6 and 2/5oz. That's 6.4oz. So I would measure 6.4 oz in a graduate cylinder, transfer it to a 32oz container, and fill the container to the quart mark with water. In practice, after measuring and pouring the 6.4oz of concentrate, I put some water in the empty graduate and shake it to pick up the remaining traces of concentrate. This is then added to the quart container. I might do that a second time to make sure I got it all. Then fill up the quart container with water.


Same idea for a pint, expect I would start with 3.2oz of concentrate.

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You'll love this developer. I use it with just about every film that was on the market. 1oz of tmax with 4oz of water. Just that simple. I use it at 1:5 at a 75 degrees temp:D Last long time and easy to mix. I mix as I'm going to process my film instead of mixing to stock. Good luck.
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Never make a stocksolution with Tmax Dev. I will go bad very fast. You must keep it as a syrup and dilute it as needed. You can also use the dilution a couple of times before trowing it away. If you would make a stock sollution first (1+4) and then mix it with water again you would end up with a very weak solution and the times would not be correct anymore.
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