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70mm film options


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I posted some questions regarding 70mm film on the Medium Format Forum but

didn't get many responses...


I did an extensive search in the archives and there was a very recent thread

about this here...


Basically, it seems that the only readily available 70mm is Kodak Portra C-41,

in ASA 160 and 400. The B+W Tri-X and Plus-X on the B+H website demand minimum

orders in the thousands of dollars...


And reading old posts mention modifying Hasselblasd 70mm backs to be able to

take the UNperforated as well as the perforated film.


Does anyone have one of these backs or know the technician who did the

modification? It seems simple to DIY but I'd rather get it from the experts.


Thank you!

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I thought I read your other post and it had some answers. You might contact someone like David Odess and see if he can do it or know someone who does. Have you done any Google searches on the subject. I was all set to make the jump after buying a 70mm back for my EL/M, but realized I missed the issue about getting a bulk loader, so I gave up my dream of endlessly shooting film without reloading!<g>
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thank you for the lead to Mr. Odess, just left him a message.


But you don't really need a bulk loader, do you? You can do it by hand in the dark...admittedly clumsy...but putting in a half hour of manually loading up a few cassettes will provide for hundreds of frames of shooting...


I acquired a 10 ft. developing reel -- if i ever find some Tri-X or Plus-X -- and the C41 Portra that they still do sell can be fed endlessly through a roller-processor like the kind that most 1-hour labs use, no?

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Lots of 1 hour labs now use a leader card system. You tape the film to an oversized plastic card, which is the "tractor" that pulls it through. There is a maximum film length. Not clear these machines can even process the 220 length. Or if they can process film 70mm wide.


There certainly are commercial labs that will do full 100 foot rolls of 70mm film. Not sure that they would be interested in cranking up the machine for 10 to 15 feet. Especially since orders are really falling off in this format.

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