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No thumbs (again,again!)


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I don't want to repeat my previous postings - the situation is the same as was

in November and October (and about the same time of month as well).<br> Seems to

be a monthly occurence.<br> <b>Just out of curiosity - am I the only one who

has/notices this problem, or only one bitching about it?</b>

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I have to believe its a setting within one of your virus protection programs. Possible a script blocking program. I don't have the problem, and I run Firefox. Do you get the same problem when you access the site using MS Explorer? Do you get the same from another computer with different security?
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This is the thing - most of the time it works ok and only doesn't display the thumbs of non-paying members (which I guess is by design). First time it happened when we had the server problems in October and was fixed in a couple of days. Second time it happened a month later and Jin traced it to a problem with log file. Now it happened on Christmas day and still going on - I seriously doubt that somebody was spending holidays changing scripts. So whatever problem it is, I think is intermittent and affects other people in other ways, but is real nevertheless. The fact that is happens at the end of the month makes it peculiar as well. And I checked - it's not working in my Firefox, Mozilla, Opera and IE. I can see thumbs in albums and everywhere else, but not in critique page. And I didn't change anything in my blocks between the time it worked and stopped working.
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Ok, more points. I'm sure my firewall is some part of it (all loads when I shut it down, but this is not a solution). But how come it works most of the time? If I don't change anything on my side, something must be different on PN side.<br><br>

Non-paying members thumbs NEVER show in critique page, but show in other pages. <br>

The thumbs come from different sources:<br>

The ones on critique page come from http://gallery.photo.net/photo/xxxxxxx-sm.jpg <br>

The ones on other pages come from http://thumbs.photo.net/photo/xxxxxxx-sm.jpg<br>

The thumbs on a front page of members (usually 3 latest submissions) also come from gallery directory and also don't display the same time the critique thumbs don't show.<br>

What is different in scripts fethching from these 2 locations? <br>Or may be a different IP address is used at the times when I have problem?<br>

And why non-paying members thumbs NEVER show? <br> I think this might be the key to where my problem is, but only a person who can look at scripts might be able to answer these questions.<br>


I have XP professional and 4 different browsers, but none works in these periods and I think are irrelevant to the problem.

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