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30" vs dual monitor set set ups: article about productivity gains claims

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I am recently retired after a long career in Technology Management. In an office environment I don't see a cost/benefit in using the expensive 30" monitors. Also, it is easier to arrange two 17 or 19 inch monitors to best utilize valuable desk real estate.


However, in this discussion I would think we are really looking at the benefit of a 30" monitor in a phototgraphic work flow and that is a whole different kettle of fish.


I have a Dell 30. When I ordered I planned to use it in a single monitor arrangement. Once I set it up I found that I preferred keeping my trusty old 15" lcd alongside. This enables me to have a really big image on monitor (what a pleasure in photoshop) and still have various menu bars open on the second monitor.


For other computer usage I tend to have multiple programs showing on the one big monitor but I still would have never considered purchasing them in a business work environment.


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I've become spoiled with side-bys-side 23" and 24" displays. It would be real tough to go

back to something less. The ability to have both angled differently is great. Better, I believe,

than one larger planar display.

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The ironies abound . . .<p>

The PC was designed mostly for single-tasking and has evolved into a ubiquitous tool multi-tasking everywhere. Having lusted for larger, faster, sharper output, the industry is there with choices and mere mortals may be able to afford it! Rather than fund really fast & decent workstations at premium dollars, many larger businesses have opted to outsource and find cheaper labor instead. So after a hard day of training my replacements from South America, I am going home and refreshing my resume and doing job searches on my really nice panoramic monitor! . . . but i digress!:-) <p>

The Cinema monitors really are fantastic! I would love it I could justify 2 of them! 2 cheap monitors & a laptop LCD just don't measure up for my work flow. IF I am concentrating on one task while another is in the background, the second monitor is okay but not essential. I really want a good OS, good CPU, gobs of memory! I am from the "old school" tho and probably don't need the added monitors due to work needs. There are studies & reports coming in that people & multitasking are not always as accurate & efficient as a well done single-threaded paradigm. Hey! It's just my opinion.:-)

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<I>multitasking</I><P>The issue here is not multitasking but using dual or single monitors for Photoshop type work. I have been using a dual monitor setup since the mid 1990s for Photoshop and can't imagine going to one monitor regardless of the size. The advantage of dual monitors is that you have your tools on one and unobstructed view of your image on the other. Even if you use a 30" monitor the tools would be a distraction sitting right next to the image.
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Reviews/articles need to start speaking more in PIXELS than in Inches. Viewing an image

in it's true Final size of course does require inches.


I am working with a 23" Widescreen (1680x1050) and a 19" (1280x960).

If I had a 30" monitor I might still be working at 1680x1050....just getting to see it larger

(which I would like).


My main usage is for Recording Music and I have to cram as much info into the two

monitors as I can. Size is secondary to resolution for my purposes.


I wouldn't trade my two cheap monitors for a 30" cinema.



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When I replace my imaging computer- some years from now- I'd definitely like to have one big, elongated LCD screen (HD wide-screen dimensions), rather than my current two-screen CRT setup. Not to sound like a puss, but with my tools on the separate screen, its like playing ping-pong, constantly turning my head to look at the second screen.
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I can only speak for my own experiences, but when the office got "CineMassive" Trio 21X's it

was like recieveing a new lobe of brain...there's a 21.3" center screen and dual 17" wings on

the sides. perfect swiss army knife display - its good for everything. Everyone love them.

21.3" is about as much screen as I think I could comfortably handle and, maybe its just me,

but does anyone else think Photoshop was'nt designed for a single displays???I hate

havingmy palettes layered on top of my canvas always obscuring what's underneath. With a

second displays I can set the palettes to one side and have the entire center screen as a

workspace. Can't be improved on. Check them out: <a href="http://

www.cinemassivedisplays.com">CineMasive Displays</a>

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