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Elves and POW

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Would the site administration consider no longer referring to

themselves as "Elves" (as in the weekly POW introduction)? Maybe

use some term like "site administrators" or "Editors". I think the

cute has about worn off of the "Elves" moniker. Especially when the

emphasis is on future viewers of forums like POW. I can't help but

think future (or current) visitors will wonder what the hell elves

have to do with selecting photos for critique. Just a thought.

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But, but, but, only recently Brian called me Head Elf. I kinda like that title. Now what I am

supposed to call myself? I don't want to be a manager, so don't even think about "POW

Selection Manager" or anything like that!

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Well.. from what I've seen around here since I joined, the administration and moderators are not known to be "cute" very often. So if I were you Mr. Jackson I would embrace the "Elves" because it's about as adoreable as they get round here!


BTW I make a MEAN hot coa-coa...could I be an elf too?

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"Elves" refers only to the people who are involved in picking the POW. Sometimes people refer to other behind-the-scenes people on the site as Elves, but I don't believe that is very common, or a term that the administrators (etc) use for anyone other than the POW selectors.
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Two definitions of an elf :-


"A supernatural creature of folk tales represented as a small delicate human figure with pointed ears and a capricious nature"


"An elf is a mythical creature of Germanic mythology which survived in northern European folklore. Originally a race of minor gods of nature and fertility, elves are often pictured as small, youthful seeming men and women of great beauty living in forests and other natural places, underground, or in wells and springs. They have been imagined to be long-lived or immortal and magical powers have been attributed to them"


Whilst I can see some similarities the word "hubris" springs to mind.

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One imagines they are called the elves as they are the antithesis of the abundant trolls which roam about the site, spreading 'muck', doom, and gloom. I imagine Patrick skipping along casting handfuls of petals about him whilst nonchalently whistling heart wrenching ditties ;)
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