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Hijacked photos (w/no credit this time)

bryan olesen

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I know this has been addressed before, but in this case there is no

credit given to the photographers, and these photos are not linked

backed to photo.net. They reside on the site in question, which is

http://arcs.kaist.ac.kr/ I see two(?) POWs on the home page (one by

Leslie Hancock, if I remember correctly).<br></br>On the professor's

page http://arcs.kaist.ac.kr/hwansoo.han there are 540 images, at

least one being mine (ash cave fisheye), but my dog slow dial-up

won't load the entire page... I believe I see a bunch of familiar

images here. If somebody with a faster connection can take a look,

I'd appreciate it.<br></br>Any suggestions from anyone on how to

approach this? I see no signs of anything malicious, but there

could be a lot of pn member's images in question here. Maybe just a

quick "yes" response from you if your images are being

used.<br></br>Brian or other admin can respond if I'm out-of-line

here, or if you wish to take some action - email or other to this

site. Or just tell me to shut up...

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<p>I assume you are referring to the <a

href="http://arcs.kaist.ac.kr/hwansoo.han/photo/collection.html">�My Collections�</a> link on <a

href="http://arcs.kaist.ac.kr/hwansoo.han/enter.html">this page</a> of <a href="http://arcs.kaist.ac.kr/hwansoo.han">Dr. Han�s</a> professional web site. Clearly, the guy SEEMS to be taking credit for images that are

not his. I do not know whether this is illegal or simply unethical (but not illegal).</p>

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Bryan, where do you see the 540 images. At the second link you give I see a poorly put together resume with an image up top. Granted, the image changes every time you refresh the page but I don't see a link to hundreds of images.


Ellis, do you honestly think that copyright statement makes a difference? If people want your picture from the internet they will take it. It's that simple. If you don't want that to happen, the only real answer is to not post images. Unfortunate but true.


Bryan, in this case it looks like you can contact the guy if you choose. Send him an email and ask him to give you credit or stop displaying your pictures. Since you know where he works I'd say it won't be hard to get him to stop posting.

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Could you please look into possibly fixing a bug relating to the "Confirm Message" page that is displayed after you type (or paste) text and then click "Submit" during the process of posting a comment in this Forum. I sometimes edit my text using MS Word in order to eliminate spelling errors. If I paste text containing quotes from a Word doc, the quotes display properly on the "Confirm" window, but not in the thread itself after processing. I am a Mac OS 10.4 user, so this may be a problem for those of "my kind" only. (-:



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Bryan, it is not your slow dial-up connection<br>

it is the too narrow bandwidth of their server<br>

'<i>his</i>' collection is just too damn slow to load<br>

contact <i>the professor</i> and demand the removal<br>

also you can contact the server admin<br>

who can react faster by page removing<br><br>

<i>anyway if you do not want your images to be stolen <b>never</b> put them into <b>any</b> web space</i>

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It's like looking at a PN TRP summary. I recognized the majority of the images. I found one of my own as well. It appears he just has thumbnail versions. I wasn't able to view anything large. Also, even on cable access, it took a while for all those thumbnails to load. I checked to see if this guy is a PN member, I couldn't find a member account under his name. Obviously he's here a lot. He does have a link on his site to PN, along with some other photo sites.


I have forwarded an e-mail to him asking him to remove my image or pay a fee for it's use. It'll be interesting to see if he complies.


If you're a regular poster on the site and have had a photo anywhere near the top of the TRP or have had a POW, there's a good chance he has your image. You might want to have a look.

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The site admins here can also disable right click, which is the easiest way to save an image off this site. Of go into deeper coding, which stors the images in a seperate folder that can only be linked to PN. Flash, with action scripting for the forum, is another way.


There are ways around this problem...its just if the owner sees fit to impliment them.





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Interesting...he is listed as an Assistant Professor of Computer Science or engineering (whatever) yet his site is terribly amatuerish and slow. Kind of makes one think the whole thing is either a fraud or a hoax. I do see his site is running mighty slow right now. I wonder if all it takes is a few people accessing all those thumbnails to crash it.
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Alexis, there are not ways around this. If an image is displayed on a screen and someone wants it there is always at least one more way to get it than there are ways to prevent it. Beating up the admins on this particular issue isn't really practical.


I think PN should create a ten biggest thugs list and post this guy's picture on it.

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I just went and had a look and it seems that he may be removing them.. I get up to about four hundred images and then I get nothing but boxes with red x's...I left it alone to see if they would continue to load but that was all there was. Well I don't know if I should be happy or insulted....Not ONE of those pictures was one of mine...:-)



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<i>Alexis, there are not ways around this. If an image is displayed on a screen and someone wants it there is always at least one more way to get it than there are ways to prevent it. Beating up the admins on this particular issue isn't really practical.

I think PN should create a ten biggest thugs list and post this guy's picture on it.</i><p>


Of course you can copy anything. However, making it difficult deters most people and I doubt this guy would do a screen shot 540 times just to get some thumbnails. I was NOT beating up the site admins and owner, but merely suggesting that they do this. It is far to easy (right click, save target/image as...) to get images here. If you think otherwise is not being honest with yourself. Simple measures can prevent this and with a site as large as this, with as many images hosted here, it would make sense to provide that simple code to stop such happenings. Of course, a thug list would do so much more to stop people from copying images here than coding the site to disable right-click. {eyes rolling} <p>Why you would disagree is beyond me.


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Of course it's beyond you why I disagree. "...disable right-click..." tells me you just don't get it (eyes rolling). Disabling right click makes it no more difficult to capture an image. Less convenient? Yes. More difficult? No, not for someone who wants the image and has slightly more than a basic understanding. Disabling right click does nothing but give people a false sense of security.


On the other hand, disabling right click will make things more cumbersome for those who like to copy an image into PS to make some suggested changes.

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