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Shot some Rollei IR 400 now it goes to the lab

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Well, I finally shot some Rollei IR 400. It was my first IR with film. Shot for

a year with digi IR first. I used a B+W 092 filter. This is supposed to be the

equivalent of 89B. I used a Mamiya 7 rangefinder. So 120 film. No TTL, I shot it

as ASA 50. The 092 is not fully opaque, but is much darker than even a 29. It is

maybe the last step before a real opaque filter. I chose it because the film is

820nm, and drops in sensitivity after something like 725 or 750.


I shot bracketing -1 0 +1 for three rolls. I made a mistake on most of the first

roll big time. I didn't notice my EVC was set to -2!!!!!!! We'll call it a test

of latitude. I don't don't even use EVC, I had just tried it as the camera is

new to me and I forgot to reset it after last time.


The next two rolls I did right. I also changed the ASA setting to 25 for a

couple of shots to give me a good range. I loaded and unloaded in subdued light,

not total darkness. I could do it in a change tent, but I need more practice

with this system to be confident, plus matching the start arrow to the mark.


So, now we'll see if what I've been told is right. I will write up a few lines

for the lab to describe what I did. Should they develop this as ASA 50? I quess

they'll know once they read the technique used. I will also copy the chart on

the Rollei box for them.


I have found it hard to get good examples of this film in web shots. I will post

my results once I have some scanning done. Then when I have an idea of how to

tweak my settings for best results, I'll post my better ones in my portfolio here.

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I would read Rollei's info sheet on this film. Pull processing is not recommmended, and overexposure is not the end of the world. I would just process everything as normal, since they were test rolls anyhow. As you move on with this film, you can try different things, but starting off with recommended development is the way to go, otherwise you have nothing on which to base your tweaks later on. Also, you don't need to load this film in darkness, because it is not a sensitive as Kodak's IR film. It is more similar to Ilford's ASA 200 IR. It looks almost normal when used without a filter.



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