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glenn traver

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While it may be relatively easy not to display the name of the photographer, total anonimity will be quite difficult. There's style, framing, copyright statements as part of the JPEG image and perhaps other things that may well give away the identity of the photographer.
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The ratings process is so subjective and arbitrary in any case. Anonymity of the author will do nothing to make it "fairer". Why not just ignore the ratings. I actually find them quite amusing. As I understand it they serve primarily as a management tool for those running the site.


A better guide to "image quality" is given in the stats on how many people actually bother to stop and open an image to view it. It is a real compliment to know someone has taken the time to view your work. Any comments left are a bonus. Some anonymous nong randomly running through batches of photos and pushing the button on their mouse means nothing. Even if it happens to be a 7/7 score.



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Although I agree that an anonymous option should be available for the photographer to choose, I will tend to agree with Craig. Glenn, I'm sure this is why you wnat to post anonymously, but I really don't think that will slow down the 3/3 bandits. The only reason why I would want to post anonymously is to get an object rating based soley on the merit of the photograph and nothing else.
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I've read in the forums many times this week where several photographers who rate photos, say they just skip over photo's by certain photographers if they notice they have several photo's submitted in the rate recent, so they must have recognized these photographers by name and have therfore been influneced in how they rate or don't rate.So anonymous has a choice to select certain photographers to rate , am I wrong ?
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Will , am not interested in stopping the way anyone rates ,I just think a picture should be rated on its merits , not on who took it,if I know you took the picture ,I might be less abjective, because you live in the same city as me, or some other reason , and sure it is still just a vote to create order, but lets have anonymous order.....
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Craige , this was just a suggestion , to have have the photo's anonymous the same as the raters, I'v seen it done on other photo sites , and it seemed to work well. I was sitting here working and thought I might try to add a constructive suggestion that might make this site better. thats all thanks
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Glenn, and that's the exact same reason why I think the anonymous posting should be an option. I too want my photos to be judged and rated and not me as a person. Sometimes I feel that some of the ratings I get are maybe too generous because the rater knows me, and sometimes I feel the ratings I get are unfair because I have posted simular photos in the past. I really don't give any second though to anonymous ratings anymore. If a person actually takes the time to click on my photo, rate it and maybe leave a comment, than I'll take that as a success because at least tehy found it interesting enough to click on the photo instead of mindlessly clicking a number to skip photo. I don't think the anonymous photo posting should be across the board but I don't see the hard in making it an option for us to choose.
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Glenn I agree with you 110%! ! !


While the recent changes by the admin have improved things in terms of leveling the playing field by at least making it more inconvenient for the mate/hate-raters, their games still continue.


But more importantly, I think if people REALLY want fair, objective ratings AND comments, then they should submit their images anonymously. Whether we want to admit it or not, ratings and comments are largely a popularity contest. If we're really looking for honest feedback, then anonymous submissions is the way to go.

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Craig - "the stats on how many people actually bother to stop and open an image to view it"...


I don't know if you're referring to the view count, but this represents mostly thumbnail views (see <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00ElT2">this thread</a>), which is why photos that make the first page or two of the TRP get tens of thousands of views - doesn't mean people are actually clicking on it. I think it would be more interesting to know how many clicks the photo got, but that's not what we're told, unfortunately.

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Once again for the record, I am in complete opposition to the idea of compulsory anonymity on this site. I will not post my work without my name and copyright attached. <p>

Perhaps if it were just an option that one could use if he so chooses <i>might</i> be acceptable, but the tone of your title to this thread is not stating it that way. Glen, I can understand your position, and I hope that you can understand mine as well. I have put too much time, money, and effort into this "hobby" not to have the results be securely identified. <p>

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Mr Rose's suggestion is the best method for posting and receiving ratings anonymously: a second account under a nom de plume. But to be honest you should not rate or comment on other photographs using that account.
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Hi Glenn,


I understand where you are coming from. I just don't believe your suggestion if implemented would make a significant difference over the bigger scheme of things. Maybe at the margins for a relatively small number of cases.


I also don't take a strong position on the ratings system. So I'm not dismissing your suggestion either, just playing devils advocate.



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