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viewing B&W negatives and see positive image


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Hi,could someone help me with this problem:I make many B&W shots and

just thinking if there is some way of viewing them without making

prints?Something like slides.I've noticed that if I move negative

over various backgrounds,like wallpapers,and have proper light,I can

see positive image for some moments.I know,scanner can do the job,but

maybe there is some alternative way?Thank you in advance.

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This is a question apearing from time-to-time. There are some ways doing it:<BR>

o Develop your normal B&W negative as slide (reversal processing): quite difficult, but can be done. It requires similar processing as normal reversal film, but with different chemicals.<BR>

o It is possible to project your negative to an other negative as develope it. There are some places where they can do it but it is really expensive.<BR>

o Scan your negs and project them to a slide film. There are some special shops dealing with this.


I think the best result can be achived with the first method. I'm also very keen on projecting B&W slides, and would like to follow method 1.

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very old roll film negatives could sometimes be viewed as positives by letting the light reflect off the emulsion side.

emulsion side up and tilt the negative at angles so the light reflects and not much passes thru the negative.

possibly because the old films were higher in silver than newer films.



camera 35 from the '50's or 60's has a scheme to make a "slide maker" from a entire roll of 35mm film.

a cardboard drum about 3" to 4" in diameter. ( plastic pipe could be used today) a wrap of very thin foam for padding and a strip of clothesline or venetian blind cord wrapped around in a spiral.



Kodak 5302 film ( fine grain release positive)

was wrapped on the drum, followed by the developed roll of 35mm negatives. The drum was either suspended on a string or mounted on a spindle and spun and exposed to a dim bulb for a few seconds.

the 5302 film is essentially the same as enlarging paper

coated on a 35mm film. develop in print developer.

handle in a yellow safelight.

5302 seens hard to locate but seems to be distribuited by Micrtopsopy

and scienticfic supply places.

5302 can also be used in the camera with a slide copier attachment.

ir as a copy film. it is white ,no backing, so care must be taken when loading the film in room light.


hope that this helps.

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"very old roll film negatives could sometimes be viewed as positives by letting the light reflect off the emulsion side. emulsion side up and tilt the negative at angles so the light reflects and not much passes thru the negative. possibly because the old films were higher in silver than newer films."


this can be done using films like adox chm 125 pro, which is the same as ilford fp4+

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