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FP4+ in HC110. Any recommendations, examples?


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Dear All,


I have been experimenting with two films (HP5+ and FP4+) and one

developer (HC-110) lately, to find something new. I really like the

HP5+ rated at around EI 250 and developed in Dil B, 20 degrees for 5-

7 minutes. I do not seem to like this developer with FP4+ though. It

looks to me like the midtones are too compressed, and the whole

picture seems to lack contrast, although there are both blacks and

whites (so developing longer probably would not help). The pictures

are not particularly bad in any way, I just don't find the look

attractive. I might try something else with this film. Rodinal is

still available in my area, but I have never used this developer

before, and I don't want to stock up of something I do not know. It

would also make things much easier if I stuck to one developer, and

although I did not hear many people praise the combination of FP4+

and HC-110, neither did anybody bash it like HP5+ and Rodinal. Would

some of you by chance have any examples of this combination that you

could show me what this combination can do? Any suggestions would

also be welcome. I take pictures outdoors, mostly environmental

portraits, but occasionally also of architecture and landscapes.

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I can't offer an example, as I don't always record how a given shot was processed, but IMO what you see may not be the developer. I saw the same thing in my recent post about FX15 when I shot at normal speed. Everything from black to white was there, and shadow detail was fine, but the images didn't "pop". My usual procedure with FP4+ is to rate it at EI64 or so. Even though it may have what looks like enough shadow detail at EI125, it seems to like getting everything up further on the curve. Try that, and back off on the development slightly, and I think you'll be more impressed with what you see.
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This was quite a timely question since I am about to go back to using HC-110 because I am having difficulties obtaining ID-11 at the moment in the UK.


It has been 5 years since I used HC-110, but below is an example FP4+ 35mm frame I printed this morning. According to my records, the film was developed for 6 mins @ 20C. It is a grade 2.5 print on a condenser enlarger - a straight print, first attempt, no PS work except resizing. I am sure the printing could be tweaked, but I think you will get the gist.


Personally, I like the FP4+ in HC-110, particularly roll films. I find that the standard times provided by Kodak produce much more contrasty negatives than the standard times provided by Ilford.


Hope this helps.<div>00E6TQ-26385384.jpg.f357fe824dcbc4007849ee0e873f2401.jpg</div>

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