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Capacity of Emofin and Diafine

des adams

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It varies -- some require periodically replacing or replenishing the Bath B, others don't. Some recommend a maximum number of rolls for a set amount of Bath A, others don't. Some may change development characteristics as the baths "ripen"; others may not. And one always has the suspicion that recommendations based on "exhaustion" of Bath A may be intended more to sell more developer than to promote the best negatives.


I have no experience with Emofin, but the wisdom with Diafine is that if it's been stored well (airtight bottles, doesn't seem to require special attention to excluding air) it's good until the Bath A no longer covers the film, and then it's time to replace the Bath B. If used with replenishment, each time fresh Bath A is added to the working container to bring up the volume, the same volume of Bath B should be discarded and the replaced with fresh; then when replenishment has equaled the original volume, both solutions should be discarded and replaced with fresh (though there are doubtless some who never bother to replace the solutions entirely).


Mind you, with Diafine, this will take a long time; you can typically develop well over 100 rolls in a quart before the volume depletes enough to endanger not covering 35 mm.

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I couldn't tell you how many rolls I have done in my current Diafine and the results are the same each time. I only use it for certain circumstances so it sits for a while between uses too. If you do a search for Diafine, you should get some info on lifespan, etc. I have not heard of the other developer so I can't help you there.


- Randy

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I haven't used Emofin but have used Diafine for up to 1.5 years with ALOT of film and only mixed new because of my own nerves. Occasional filtering (a white coffee filter works great) and then let it settle overnight, I find works great. The ONLY thing I have had to do is to mix up some additional A Bath due to carry over (I mix up the Gallon kit) and have tested densities before the addition of A Bath and there were no changes from using fresh chemicals to the point of 9 months when I decided to add A Bath for carry over.
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