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Do you think this rating is legit?


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I do not think is a bot.

A bot would have rated 1/1 or 2/2, this bot is more cleaver.

I do not think your photo deserves a 1 in orig (I would have rated 5/4), but somebody does.

Do not get so upset by this ratings.

You know (and may be friends that you should the picture) that this photo deserves more so ignore that 1 (even if it is difficult).


I get also 1,2,3 you name it.


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As you are the photographer with achievements it will be very interesting to know your opinions:


1. Why rate (rates) from unknown people on Internet upsetting you?


2. How (originality and aesthetic in details) you would rate and critique this particular photo?

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I get upset because I can plainly tell that the photo isn't crap. Therefore, someone gave me a 1 because they either don't care, or they are just being malicious.


I would rate this photo 6/5. I think that is more than fair. It's a good photo taken with good technique. It may be simple composition, but nonetheless, good composition.

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<p> Don't sweat it. I've seen that you have rated other people's photos, and that'll bring out of the woodwork the ones who can't accept an honest opinion. Petty revenge.


<p> Look at this <a href=http://www.photo.net/photodb/ratings-breakdown?photo_id=3600082>Hard times</a>. One of the fellows who rated me 1/1 was seemingly upset because I rated one of his works of art 5/4.


<p> Bottom line, nevermind the bollocks.

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While we are on the subject, do you think <a href="http://www.photo.net/photo/3613666"> this frog photo</a> that my wife took deserve a 3/3. It was a direct rating from some guy name Paulo Pampolin. I have never comment on any of his photo and I have never rated any of his photos. I don't even know that he exists; so I can't think of any reason why he would like to say hello with a direct 3/3. How many of us would like to say hello by throwing out a direct rating of 3/3 or lower without leaving comment? That's pretty insensitive and very uncool, IMO.
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I think we should keep this thread around forever, so everybody can post their photo in it and nobody would ever have to start a new thread again.


In all seriousness: if you believe someone is abusing the system, please contact abuse AT photo DOT net.

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Timothy - You removed the picture already? Why? The rating?


Santiago - The 1/1 sounds like abuse and should be reported. The picture has some seriously problems with the way it is presented (scan, edges, etc.), but is not a bad shot. As it is, it's hard to rate because the presentation details get in the way.


Phong - For someone who wants to see a perfectly-sharp eye in an animal shot (and many folks do), a 3/3 rating is entirely reasonable; the shot simply isn't quite sharp. It's a nice shot with good color and pretty good composition, but I think it's overrated. Also, the ratings aren't there to say hello, and the rules prohibit you from posting someone else's picture unless copyright has been explicitly assigned to you (though no one's going to complain about you posting your wife's shot, really).


Patrick's right: we should keep a sticky thread like this where people can call out "low" raters and show off whatever shot they think is perfect. No, I'm not serious.

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Every time I see someone complain about having received a low rating without explaination, I don't know whether to laugh, cry, or scream. The next thing I want to do is ask them how many 3/3 ratings they have given with a verbal reason stating why.


If someone leaves you a low rating, the message is pretty clear. They don't like your photograph. What else do you need to know?


You are never going to please everyone. Thats guaranteed. No matter how good your photograph is someone is going to dislike it. And the flip side is, now matter how poor it may be someone is going to sing its praises. Thats also pretty much a certainty.


I firmly believe you should be your own worst critic and work to please yourself. If you can manage to do that, count your blessings.

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how about trying those responses in order, and, by self introspection, discover which pleases you the most?.


I'd heartly recommend trying screaming at the very last, as there could be some stress in your vocal chords that would interfere with a satisfactoy performance of crying and laughing.

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<i>I'd probably give it a 3/4 or a 4/4 but someone else might well not like it that much.</i><br><br>

First of all I was asking to see if people thought it was a bot or not. I was not complaining about the rating. <br><br>

Having said that I would like to know why you think this image is below average aesthetically. What about this photo displeases you?

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When I rarely rate photos in the rate recent photos, is if I see a photo I don't particularly like, I skip it. Technically it might be ok, but I don't want to skew the rating b/c I don't like it.


Others, just rate it low.


something, unfortunately, we just have to deal with.

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