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Geltine sized shelf life

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A long time.


Is this something you are sizing, or is it presized?


If presized it should stay good for a very long time.


If you are doing it yourself, you might blotch it bad enough that it would be useless, but most likely, everything will be fine.


Gelatin is very very stable when dry.


Wet, now thats very different!


Wet gelatin can go bad in 1-3, to 7-10 days


It seems sizing is not permanent, at least for some uses and methods. Wood block printers have noticed that older sizings do not perform as well as more recent ones yet they improve after resizing.


What did you have in mind?



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Wet gelatin can be stored for quite a long time if you add a few drops of 10% thymol in isopropyl alcohol to it. That is about 5 drops per 100 grams of 10% gelatin for example.


This is provided that your process can stand the alcohol and the thymol without harm.


Ron Mowrey

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