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Lisa's pictures


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That's a very good correction...above. Could I get a few photos to work with?


Anyway, the Pro photographer's excuse is totally lame: He/she simply set the sync flash speed incorrectly.


I do think some of the P/S photos can be salvaged.


Send me some play with: tefphoto@earthlink.net

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I think that there are no digital images that are totally beyond repair (as well as film images). They may not be perfect, but they can all be made better.


I contacted Lisa. I want to give it a try. I would rather do this than photograph weddings, in truth! (^O^)


I have restored photographs totally beyond repair. If the resolution is too low, then I just make a small print and scan it to a higher resolution. It may not be perfect, but it's better than nothing.


There are many ways to deal with these issues, and I thank all here who have helped me to learn these techniques over the past year, especially Eric~.


Anyway, I hope Lisa sends me a cluster of photos to work on. I want to put "before" and "after" samples on my website.


Also, from the origianl post that Lisa placed, it sounds like her photographer was not being totally honest...the problem seems to be that he/she did not set the correct shutter speed to sync with the flash. Lisa should get a complete refund, IMO.

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I took a crack at one, using Picasa on one and the current version of Bibble Pro on the other. I straightened the Picasa version but forgot to straighten the Bibbled version.


Picasa was the easiest and provided acceptable results but Bibble Pro retained more detail in the eyes. This may be due to the fact that I forgot to straighten the Bibbled version. Rotation can sometimes obscure fine detail and would probably work best with a hi rez digital file.


Using the dress for white balancing still provided significant differences in overall colors using Picasa, Bibble Pro and iCorrect EditLab Pro. This has been my experience with most photo editors. Using neutral patches to white balance doesn't necessarily produce consistent results.


This was probably as difficult a photo as you'll find and it appears to be salvageable.<div>00G7ie-29535284.jpg.34c7c80031d690f20c9be8b4503fe82c.jpg</div>

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Whoops ... had to redo the Bibbled version. Forgot I'd set the JPEG to 100% quality. This one is closer to 85% quality, which should keep the uploaded JPEG under 200 kb, which is still too large - my apologies. Looks pretty much the same on my monitor as the other Bibbled version.<div>00G7jI-29535484.jpg.8873fc25d60bc36ed59e1d596d29f682.jpg</div>
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