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Enlarging Lens

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I shoot 6X6 and 6X9 negatives. Actually, the 6X6 look a tad small to me compared to the 6X9 ones. I use a Kodak Enlarging Ektar 100mm f4.5

for the 6X9.




I know that the lens is the most important consideration for printing negatives (though I would argue that my cold light head is really wonderful!)




Since I print B&W exclusively, I wonder if I should upgrade the Ektar to a Rodenstock, Schneider, or Nikon. Each of these is f5.6 which will be more difficult to focus than the Kodak f 4.5.




Bruce Karnopp

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I'm not familar with the Kodak enlarging lens you're using, but any

of the alternative modern lenses you've suggested will very likely

offer much better performance. I would recommend a 6 element design,

whichever brand you choose. Lastly, the difference between focusing

a f5.6 verses an f4.5 will be miniscule.

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I suggest a 100mm Schneider Componon S 5.6. It will easily cover 6x9.

A friend of mine has borrowed the above lens to enlarge 2+1/4 negs to

mural size prints: 24 inch sq. with great success. Shop for a clean

used lens. I got mine for a cool 125 and it was very clean, glass


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Are you using a glass negative carrier? An absolute must for

anything bigger than 35mm and bigger than 8x10 enlargements. It solves

a lot of sharpness problems in enlarging. True, it is a bit of a

pain to use in the dust and lint department. Give this a try before

buying a new lens. It will be a necessity even with a new lens.

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I was about to ask a question about glass carriers. I don't use them

as I use a condeser enlarger. I know by keeping the negative flat

will improve the sharpness, but isn't it by keeping a glass piece in

front of the projected image will lower the resolution?




And are there any kind of special glass to use as a carrier?









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