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Advertisment Overload


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Is it just me or has PN recently shot over the top with adverts?!


If it had been as crowded as it is now when I first found the site I

would probably moved on elsewhere. The adverts are strongly

discouraging me from paying my subscription.


Today I was subjected to the most annoying variety - where I actualy

have to click [close] to view my page.



Please could the admin show some restraint!?

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I cant belive they are effective in these numbers though. If they were relevant ads that didnt annoy me i'd click on them. If they annoy me I try to ignore them - after all, if I need an advertised product I can always use google...


Also, whilst ranting... Why is there that flippin dog on every page?!

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I just went to photo.net using a different browser, so the site doesn't know it's me. The only difference I can see is the obnoxious Nokia ad on the right has flashing graphics. So for a nonsubscriber it's even more obnoxious. But even those of us who are paying have to look at it. My subscription is up in August.
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As a subscriber, I don't mind the google ads or even the banner ads, but ads that interupt a user from browsing the site are just sick. If, as a subscriber, I am forced to view them, I simply will not renew my membership when the time comes and abandon photo.net all together. This sort of intrusive advertising is not what photo.net should be doing.
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Seeing my previous post was pulled..


I would probably subscribe if I used the site more... but really I am on Internet overload... Ihavent visited the site in a few months too busy. But I would take a look at which are generating income and which are just a nuisance. My exp has been that rarely money made on cost per click is & more money is made on the affiliates purchases.


Take a look and see if the subscription fee is to low?



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Kieran, I reccomend reading the previous much longer discussion "Pop-up Ads". It is quite informative about revenue for a site like this.<br>

Even moderate use may justify a $25.- subscription. And the amount of ads is less if you subscribe.

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What are the numbers? How mny subscribers versus how many members?


What type of people make up the board? Students? Pros? Part Timers? Home Users?


Would be good info to find out in an informal poll.


Heck instead of a subscription fee I would purchase a licnese of vBulletin in exchange for something.


Kieran Mullen

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That Nokia N90 advertisement is really nerve racking. It pops up when you click a link and you have to click at the bottom. I used to like Nokia phones, now I'm glad I bought a Motorola. It wouldn't bother me if it was maybe like just a banner or an add at the bottom, but it is impeeding my ability to browse the sight. The only reason I still maintain a membership with photo.net is because I know that it will blow over, especially with enough complaints. But any good business man knows that everything is good in moderation, but obsesive pop-ups and advertising can, has, and will kill a sight.
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The home page is infested with garbage (just look at it! it's a complete mess now) -- and all the latest graphical additions simply overload the bandwidth with no apparent reason. Yes, I know it's required to keep this site alive, but I stopped being a subscriber because photo.net turned this way.
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Blocking advertising is exceptionally easy and requires no special software at all. I don't want to spoil Photo Net's revenue stream by explaining how to do this here - that would hardly be appropriate. But the technique is described on lots of sites: Google it (hint: you just need to add some domain entries to your HOSTS file).


I have not seen an ad in I don't know how many years... and when I do, its a snap to ensure I never see it again :-)

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I'm a paying subscriber, and don't mind the ads to the side of the material (I'm rather glad to see them there, actually, as I like this site), but the inter-page ads are vexing, and if they continue, I'll likewise abandon photo.net & not renew my subscription. This'll be a loss for me, as I make great use of the site, but interstitial adverts are a great affront I won't tolerate.
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