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exposure index for fuji neopan acros 100 (&400)

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Err, 100 and 400?


Last time I looked, you can always shoot any film at the box speed! :)'





All kidding aside, it depends on the developer you use. My advice is to go to The Massive Dev Chart at:


...And then select "Fuji Neopan Acros" with "All Developers."



You'll be presented with a chart listing a dozen or more developers, with various EI's and the approximate time/temp pairs for each.



For D-76/ID-11 you'll see a narrow range of EI 64 to 100, with a straggler at EI 200.


Diafine shows up at EI 200; and the other developers all have EI's between 50 to 200.


VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Acros is NOT a conventional B&W film: It is almost, but not quite, like a C-41 film, even though it's developed in conventional B&W chemistry. When Acros is reverse processed, it comes out clear, and not as a B&W slide. This was a tip-off that Acros is a highly unusual B&W film, so watch out.

(Tip of the hat to David Wood)



Hope this helps!

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