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Rant: My Nikon service disaster


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I would like to let off a little steam here, so I'm giving all a heads-up. I

have no way to express my displeasure with Nikon Service in any manner that

matters to them; this is the only avenue I have.


While trying to clean a stubborn spot somewhere in the light path, I managed to

scratch the focus screen and mirror of my F6. I sent it to Nikon Melville for

repair with a letter asking them to repair/replace parts as necessary, including

replacement of the 'J' screen. After a week with no word, I called Nikon's 800

number. When I finally reached a human being, she gave me the repair estimate,

which I paid by credit card on the spot, along with my service order number.


Two weeks went by with the camera in 'Estimate' status, even though I'd already

made payment. Another inquiry. The camera was on hold for a part, which was

now available. Okay, so the status changed to 'In shop'. We're making

progress. Two weeks more, still 'in shop'. Another inquiry. The camera repair

is completed, the camera is in quality control, and will be shipped soon.

On-line status changes to 'Bill'? Why bill? It's already been paid. Another

call to Nikon. The repair's complete and they don't know why it hasn't been

sent. Another call. There's no 'J' screen available, so the shop doesn't know

what to do. A call to Nikon Melville through a back door number. 'Barbara' in

Melville says that there are neither 'J' screens nor any other manual focus

screens for the F6 anywhere in Melville. I ask her why it took so long to

figure out that there were no J screens. She doesn't know. I ask her to adjust

the repair price to reflect the non-replaced screen. She can't do it --

California is in charge.


Does anyone at Nikon service know anything? Do they talk to each other? Can

they not provide meaningful communication with their customers? I have wasted

more than an hour, not talking to anyone, but on hold. I have been without my

camera now for more than 5 weeks. Apparently, most of this delay should have

been apparent at the outset.


So, what does it matter to a potential customer? Well, we've all read that

Nikon is going at full-tilt trying to meet demand for their hot products. This

is before the intro of the new D80 (or whatever it's called). Sales are way up.

But what about service? Has there been any indication whatsover that Nikon is

ramping up service capacity to correspond to these new sales? If you're like

the majority of new camera buyers, your shiny new Nikon will function without

problem, and it will die of obsolescence. But if you're in the unlucky minority

with a problem, God help you. Nikon sure won't. They're business is selling

cameras, not satisfying customers. Think twice before commiting your $

thousands to this company.


Thanks for letting me vent.

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I've dealt with Nikon's Service Department for 25 years and they are erratic. Years ago, I sent a battery pack for an F2 in for service on a Nikon Professional Services number. The screw that attached the pack to the motor drive had broken and you had to take the pack apart to replace the screw. It took Nikon almost four months to get another screw from Japan and complete the repair- and that was an NPS repair that was supposed to expidited. To add insult to injury, while I don't remember the charge for the repair, it was pricey.
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<I>I have no way to express my displeasure with Nikon Service in any manner that matters to them; this is the only avenue I have.</I>


You probably should write a letter to the President of Nikon USA to complain; I would like to think that makes a difference. Posting to this forum is unlikely going to help your situation.

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Peter's ironic comment about Minolta service brings to mind Henny Youngman's joke:



Q: How's your wife?



A: Compared to what?



When Minolta was still in business, its repair service was nothing to write home about. And I can tell you that Canon's repair service has about the same snafu rate as Nikon's.

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Isn't there an authorized Nikon retailor in your neck of the woods? I'm sure replacing a

focussing screen is not rocket science. Nikon describes this kind of operation for their pro

bodies in their camera user manuals hence it is potentially an end user replaceable part.

Maybe you should ask for your camera along with a new screen, install it yourself and bill

Nikon for the trouble.

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And this is boys and girls, why you should never clean up spots. :)


Steve, it's saddening to hear this. But that's how corporates run these days: always think about the next sale, not the ones you made last week.

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What I want to know is if they knew that they didn't have any J screens, why didn't they order some during the 5 week period they had your camera. Surely they could get some screens from Japan in five weeks.


Well, thanks for the heads up. I'm sorry for you bad experience. But now some us beginners know if we send anything in for service we have to baby sit them and call them every other day to make sure no one is sleeping at the switch.

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In the winter of 1975, I went to Rochester,NY to study photography with (the late) TIME/LIFE photographer Nathan Lyons. I brought my 1970 vintage Nikkormat FTN, and my brand new Nikon F2 Photomic. Within a week of arriving there, my F2's shutter started firing when the DOF preview lever was depressesd! To make a long story short, it was summer,five months later, before my F2 returned from warranty servicing! The saga continues to this day.
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I'd agree that NPS WAS a bit erratic 2-3 years ago, but since they moved the repair to the

new El Segundo shop, my experience with them has been very good. I am an NPS member

and I send 2-4 items a year for regular service. Getting a spare part for and F2? What was

that, like the 80's? Things have changed a bit. Sorry to hear about the F6, but the website

is way, way better than it used to be, with the old 'carbon copy' estimates. Why did'nt you

just replace the screen with one from B&H? 29.95 and in stock. The mirrors another issue,

but heck if you're going to wait for Nikon to get a screen and then charge you for it I'd

have it sent back and get another screen, its not like they can 'repair' a screen.

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El Segundo is not that much better. I think it is their web site that sucks. Sending a D200 in

for service, NPS member, I gave my credit card number, email, 800 phone, etc. all they asked

for. 2 weeks later I contacted to find out they were waiting for okay. What was all the stuff I

filled out saying to fix, including cc number? why couldn't they email me? or call? What kind

of special service does NPS give if they can't take a minute to email?


I agree, service is on the slump with almost every company I deal with.

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Don't scare me guys! My D2X arrived at El Segudo this morning for some warranty work. I emailed them a copy of my letter the day I UPS'd them the camera, and have received 3 replies so far from Melanie Champlin, Supervisor, Service Relations. The second one had me slightly worried--said they'd contact me after they check things out and seek approval. I emailed back my approval, and noted that this was in for warranty work. Melanie emailed back saying warranty work did not need approvals.


My fingers are crossed!

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Not to worry folks. I found this among Nikon's Press Releases (It's from 2005):



Nikon® Wins Prestigious NAPET Manufacturer Service Support Award For Unprecedented 4th Consecutive Year



MELVILLE, N.Y., March 10 /PRNewswire/ -- For the fourth consecutive year,

Nikon Inc. has earned the distinct honor of the National Association of Photo

Equipment Technicians (NAPET) Manufacturer Service Support Award. This award

is the highest recognition for consistent quality service within the

photographic industry and reflects upon the continued commitment and

efficiency of Nikon's national customer service department.

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When you write the letter to the president of Nikon USA, include a printout of this thread.


I use NCS in Morton Grove, IL if I need service (not often) but if I want it done right and fast, I send or take it to Japan.


Heck, in Japan, they still refurbish Nikomats.



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If it is actually warranty work, you should not be charged.


Some of you might have heard this story before. Last year I accidentally dropped my camera bag and as a result, the lens mount on my 17-55 was bent, resulting in some minor focusing problem. I sent it to Nikon for "warranty repair," but Nikon correctly pointed out the problem, and I had to pay $130 for that repair. Also last year my SB-800 flash was promptyly fixed under warranty.


Since 1990 or so, I have sent 6 items to Nikon Garden City/Melville and El Segundo for repair/CLA. At least in my experience, they did a fine job in each case and returned the itme in 2-3 weeks. Except for that 17-55 lens repair, their charge is on the high side, though.

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And you could 'contest' the charge with your credit card company. You paid for something that is "vapor-trail paper" for a better word.





(You did check with a couple of New York stores to see if the 'J' screen is in stock, no? At worst case, buy a screen and have it shipped to the repair shop....you get your camera back, and let Nikon ship the 'repair' part screen back to the dealer.)

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"When Minolta was still in business, its repair service was nothing to write home about"


Hey! Minolta is still doing crappy service!


Just tried to send my scanner for a cleaning and now I know that minolta has quit its services and that Sony will take care of that.


But I guess they didn't tell Sony that! Had to send some emails and make a lot of phone calls to get the right contact.

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Here's a follow up. After several calls to Nikon today, I got a return call from El Segundo. The rep told me that the 'J' screen is considered a user-replaceable item available from dealers. Therefore Nikon service doesn't stock it. But they do stock the 'B' screen, which is what I'm getting.


I had purchased the 'J' from B&H, and that's the one I scratched. I figured that when i sent in the camera, I should be able to specify any screen I wanted. Stupid me. So the camera should be here Wednesday. BTW, anybody need a 'B' screen :)

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Nikon service is the pits. There was a time when NPS actually meant something. I remember friends getting the cameras back in a week. Nikon has pretty much abandoned the working professional. Their camera line-up clearly favors the amateur.


I have heard the same stories about Canon but I think the time is coming to make the change to Canon. Their professional gear line-up is better and their service couldn't be worse.


Rhetorical question. Why does Nikon tout their NPS and still take weeks to repair a pro's camera? See posts above.


How can NPS claim special services when they are not smart enough to handle spare-part inventory? They don't have a focus screen for an F6 but B & H does? Does this strike anyone else as absurd?


On the humourous side. The membership requirements state that one must own at least two Nikon "professional" bodies. What does that mean? I own a D2Hs, 2-D100's a D70 and a D200 I am not qualified. Unless I am wrong that is only one professional body. Now I could buy an old D1 beater and qualify for this prestigious "club". If you don't have the right bodies you are, in the eyes of Nikon, a mere mortal and unworthy of their solicitude. Maybe my old F2 qualifies me. If not, as my F5 is discontinued do I need to buy an F6 to remain in the club? I don't really want one but if that is the price of fame...


Nikon is forgetting the influence professionals have with the public. Hardly a day goes by that I am not asked what kind of camera someone should buy. These days I tell them to go with Canon. Pound for pound a better deal and a more sophisticated product. Or they can get a Nikon with the new light grey lens and just act like they were smart enough to get a real professional camera;) Oh and of course a vest.

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Maybe I've just been lucky but their service for me has always been great. I must have had over a dozen repairs & adjustments performed at Nikon, all done with prompt, professional service...many times with no charge and performed while I waited (I live nearby).


Sorry to hear you're having trouble.

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Well, there's the old adage - For every unhappy customer, they'll tell 10 people...while every happy customer will tell only one.


I've had moderately bad and overwhelmingly GREAT Nikon repair tales. I figure that with the sheer volume of products they support, we're looking at a very small number of unhappy customers here on Photo.net.


I was standing in line last year at Melville with my smashed-up 300mm, and the guy in front of me threw a hissy fit that his Nikon Coolpix might take three weeks to repair. He figured since he was standing there, telling the guy it was urgent, somehow he'd circumvent the repair line, jumping in front of every busted-ass camera they had. I don't think that's how it works, and I think it's probabaly a really high expectation for us to set.


I look at it like this: I don't love the french fries at every restaurant I eat in. Sometimes they're limp with grease, sometimes they're tasteless, and sometimes they're cold. Sometimes, even, they take a hell of a long time to make it to my table. But, I like french fries...so I keep oardering, then eating them.

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