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A question regarding the forum maintainer's duties.

ed b.

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Ed, Keep the standards! I like what is going on here but you cannot

please everyone. If you remember Photoshopper... it was a pretty good

site all except a few bad apples and now it is closed down because of a

few trash mouths. Sometimes the easy way of doing things isn't the best

and I know you are putting your valued time into this but it is a good

place where some people can learn, bounce ideas and generally chat

about what we all love to do! KEEP THE STANDARDS... Please!



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You are doing a great job...keep it going. There are a number of

sites to go to if people want to be sarcastic or condescending with

people of similar attitude it does not need to be here. I go here

for help and information to improve my craft and when possible help

someone out if I have been through their problem. It would be too

bad if "new blood" was turned away by old hands as it dimishes us

all. Like it or not, it is the inquisitive new blood with redundent

questions containing insufficient information that will carry the

medium forward into the future. And who knows what will come out of

these questions? Old threads and conventional wisdom are great but

new ideas and information occur daily.

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Ed, seems like the prevailing attitude is KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!The

of Photoshopper forum was good for me, I miss most of the information

that was shared. While I am still in the process of building a

darkroom and since I have been out of the darkroom for some time, I

personally find reading the older post informative. That said, some

people just come off a little harsher than others - ignore them there

comments, but read comments anyway - sometimes they do have some good

information. As stated earlier, there are fewer and fewer places we

can go - let's not destroy this forum, and remember it's not that

hard to be polite - we were all lacking in knowledge at one point and

needed some help to get started.




Thanks again Ed for the work you do.

Mike Castles

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I believe that there are a lot of misconceptions about the incident

that started this thread. First, the post in question was not deleted

by Ed. Second, I have never ridiculed any question as being too

trivial or too dumb. Third, I am not suggesting that this forum be

allowed to deteriorate to an "anything goes" free-for-all, and I glad

that Ed takes the time and effort to delete inappropriate remarks.




I did vent my frustration about seeing the same questions being asked

week after week, and the obvious lack usage of the archives. I then

expressed my thoughts that, in addition to the moderator intervening

when he feels that comments are "uncivil," that he also spend some

amount of time trying to figure out how we can encourage people to

utilize the archives when appropriate. I think that I have some

right to express my opinion on this subject because I personally have

answered many �newbie� questions and tried to help them as best I

could. But I also know that the answers to repetitive questions get

worse over time, and rather than ignoring the question, I hope that

there is some way to make the archives more accessible and more





Hopefully Ed will eventually delete this thread so we can get back to


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I'm guilty of posting questions that were previously asked in the

archives. Not only were the responses to my post informative

and enthusiastic, but also new and different from the archived

responses. Conrad Hoffman's above response sums it up

perfectly, and I hope Michael Feldman reads again before

posting another supposedly sarchastic answer.

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