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Good news for Minox'ers in Europe


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Development of 8x11 films, will be done directly at the Minox factory

for the next 10 years. Films can be sent directly and payed by credit



This must also mean that films will be available for the next 10years.

Poul B-H


Die Weiterverarbeitung belichteter 8x11-Filme wird in Zukunft zentral

von der MINOX GmbH in Wetzlar organisiert. Damit schafft MINOX f�r

alle Kleinstbild-Fotografen im europ䩳chen Raum die Voraussetzungen,

auf eine hochwertige und zugleich schnelle und preisg�nstige

Fachlabor-Arbeit zur�ckgreifen zu k�nnen.


Mit einem auf das Stammhaus konzentrierten und dadurch insgesamt

gr�ߥren Auftragsvolumen werde, so MINOX-Gesch䦴sf�hrer Thorsten

Kortemeier, die Versorgung mit einer Qualit䴳-Entwicklung von Filmen

im 8x11-Kleinstbildformat �ber Deutschland hinaus f�r die n䣨sten

Jahrzehnte gesichert. Zus䴺lich wurde mit der Neustrukturierung die

M�glichkeit der Kreditkartenzahlung geschaffen, was vor allem die

Abwicklung f�r Kunden auߥrhalb Deutschlands erleichtern wird.

Nat�rlich k�nnen auch weiterhin Filme beim Foto-Fachhandel abgegeben

werden, oder sie sollten per Post direkt zu


Walter-Zapp-Str. 4,

35578 Wetzlar

geschickt werden. Ansprechpartner dort ist Frank Hausmann vom


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"<cite>considering that Agfa filed for insolvency today. I think they are making the film still.</cite>"


Agfa have NEVER made the Minox cartridges nor loaded them. MINOX has been doing this throughout its history--- in the 1950s they had a bunch of blind people doing it and today its handled by machines.


The film in the cartridges? Yes, several were made by Agfa but some like the APX-25 in Minopan-25 have been long out of production. MINOX stocked a larger amount of that film in cold storage and still has enough for quite a few years. Agfa materials, of course, are not about to vanish but rather they will downsize and morph a bit (just as everyone else in the photo industry, inclusive of the digital players). MINOX in concert with <A HREF="http://www.8x11film.com/">8x11film.com</A> offer quite a few more films including popular Kodak T-Max and Ilford Delta emulsions.

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Adding to the above . . . let's not forget Acmel and the Fuji loaded carts. (1) 35mm

36exp. roll yields several loads for a Minox. I can imagine that a 30m roll of 35mm

would last for hundreds of Minox loads. My big worry is cartridge expense.

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  • 3 months later...
It is indeed good news for us in Europe to send our film to Wetzlar for processing. They have excellent turn-around from my first batch sent there. I have used and will most likely continue to use, Minox Labs in New York. I felt bad about sending my film to Wetzlar but since MPL is a bit slower these days, I thought I would give them a go. It was a bit more expensive than MPL but the results are amazing. They have different equipment than MPL but they do not leave the typical white border from MPL that I have grown to love. Anyway, it was a good run for me. Also, for those of us with too much time, Minox PAARZ, also in Germany has Minochrome loaded up and they too, do quite snappy turn around for even mounted slides. I think my film stayed but a day in their labs and it was back to me in short order. I will include one of my most recent shots! Enjoy!<div>00DTkC-25554084.thumb.jpg.712a1272d25a52b93b8a652bf8f8e23b.jpg</div>
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