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Fabulous Photojournalim

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Thanks for posting the site... great images!




What didn't you like about "Flash?"


It loaded really quickly on my system and the bigger images sure looks a LOT better than

all those little thumbnails that often appear on sites! :)


Are you on modem or some antiquated technology like that?



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Once loaded, the images are pretty good, OK, they're damn good. But I have to admit that like many other folks that display their images on the internet, the stuff loads slowly because the appearance of the netsite appears to be more important than its functionality. I too have looked at a large number of these netsites to determine what NOT to do once my own site is up and running. And this one is

s-l-o-w even with my DSL connection.

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I like the Flash and the images. My only complaint is forcing you to look at an image for a

minimum time before the forward button even appears. Waiting for an image to appear is

one thing, having to hover waiting until you're allowed to press the next arrow is BS.


While I think the animated slide is a little over the top, it's still hundreds of times better

than the thumbnails + links to dead-end pages I still see; the moronically crafted players

that don't preload, and thus have a significant lag; the "I'm so paranoid I'm defacing all my

pictures with a huge watermark" or the "I still think it's 1995 and design for 640x480


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  • 2 weeks later...
I've come back to this netsite quite a number of times to look at the images again and again. Not only are they quite excellent, but after a bit of a learning curve, have decided that the manner in which the images are loaded and the overall quality of the presentation is really quite good. I've seen some other Katrina images on photo.net some good, and some just awful. But in total, considering the extent of the disaster, very few really.
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