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What causing this banding?!?!


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Just developed my first test rolls of Fuji Acros 100 in Diafine, using Kodak Fixer. Some of

the pics have some MAJOR banding going on, almost like partial overexposure or

something. Here are 2 of the bad ones:


<img src="http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/6836/problem017fv.jpg">


<img src="http://img383.imageshack.us/img383/3672/problem020xx.jpg">



<br>Now, here's a "good" one (please ignore content):


<img src="http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/5970/problem32zm.jpg">



The only thing I can think of is...

<ul><li>Maybe my Lomo has a crack and light is entering when I take outside shots.

<li>I screwed something up with the Diafine.

<li>I screwed something up with the fix (10 minutes).

<li>I screwed something else up chemically or in my process (A, B, Rinse, Fix, Cascade,



What troubles me is that it seems to be in the same place all the way down all the

negatives, and it's especially visible in outdoor shots.



Any ideas?

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I do believe there is a light leak in your camera, especially since you say it is worse on the frames shot outdoors. I assume the streaks are visible outside the frame all the way to the edge of the film, right? If they are, it's probably a light leak. It might be a processing error, but my money is on light. It could be the door seals.

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Ooohh yeah, door seals, like Todd said, I agree with about 90% certainty. There's some foam that runs all around where it opens up, and yours is shot. What sort of camera? I had an A1 do this to me and I thought it was some crazy lens flare for a couple rolls. Got it refoamed and it's good as new. Anyway, I had a banding pattern very much like that that ruined a whole mess of film I shot in the same day- ouch!
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Light leak is a definate possbility. Get some gaffer's tape and try sealing the gap between the door and body. Seal any other joints you might find too.


Seal up the camera right after loading. The first frame or two might still be light struck.


You might be able to find some find foam or even thick felt and make new light seals. If you determine it is leaking in around the door, consider some adhesive backed velcro. A couple of strips along the outside of the door and body and then the mating half of the hook-and-loop stuck to heavy felt or even thin leather or vinyl (the stuff that would be good for making bellows). Wrap, seal, shoot, unwrap and start again!

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Thanks for the replies. This is my LOMO kompakt -- forgot to mention that.


What's odd is that other rolls have been fine -- it's just this last one. I guess there's some

chance that the door didn't latch all the way?


All the foam looks fine, but I'll take some shots without mods, and then maybe tape over the

door and see if there's any difference.

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Here's an untouched scan of a shot I took of some clouds, and it happened to have the sun

in-frame, too.


Does this help put any final nails in the coffin of it being a door crack? I've taped up the door

and will shoot some control shots tomorrow.


Thanks again, everyone!

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The LOMO was still well under warranty, so they're shipping me a new one. The issue may

have simply been the door not closed very well, and none of the shots I took with it taped

had any banding. Whichever, since it was under warranty, they're replacing it -- so I shipped

it off today. =)

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