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Ilford on the cheap.


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Let me start by saying that I think Ilford is a great company and that

they make some very nice products. I can't count the times I've heard

people on this forum sing the praises of PanF, FP4, and, of course, HP5.


And who could forget Ilfostop, the stop bath that DOESN'T reek up your



But today I opened up a new box of HP5 and I was dismayed. Remember

the color-coded film canister caps? Orange = PanF, Blue = FP4 and

Green = HP5? Well forget 'em, 'cause they don't exist anymore. All the

caps are black. Maybe I'm overreacting (very possible) but I find this



A few months ago, I noticed that they had gotten rid of their

colour-coded bottle caps on their chemistry (red = developer, green =

fixer, blue = "sundry", i.e. stop bath and wash aid, etc.) and I was

perturbed, but I dealt with it (I mean, it's only photo chems, ffs).


I just find it depressing that the Ilford company feels it is in such

dire straits that it's necessary to cut back on things like coloured

plastic film canister caps. Don't get me wrong, if losing coloured

film caps means that Ilford will stay in business then I'm all for it.

But it makes me wonder what else they're cutting back on.

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years ago,if you bulk loaded film, Ilford film canisters were well known as the best canisters availble for re use. That alas has changed & they are no longer re usable but the film is just as good.If Ilford has to cut a few corners to keep competitive,whilst keeping quality, I have no problem.Ilford has a reputation for consistent quality.
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Nothing presonal, but if this gets your ire up I suggest a recalibration. In an era where

film companies are struggling you are complaining about packaging! Just yesterday I

bought shoes in order to match my delta 100 caps and now they've gone and made them

black! ;-)

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pan-f is the last of the good slow films.

but i recall a Modern Photography comarison

between pan-f and panatomic x

Hey I am glad ilford still makes the film...\

but panatomic-x was so much better and sharper....

that it bothers me when pan-f is

praised. " the king is dead, long live the (new) king"

wish it were like it used to be.

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Honestly, if I'm in the field I take the film out of the cans anyway. Quicker to load and less

junk to toss. I still have some of those Ilford 35mm re-loadable cassettes from yesteryear.


If Ilford has to put the bloody things in leapord skin film cans to stay in business, I'll happily

buy 'em!

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