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Velvia 50 dead?

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>>velvia 100 is its replacement it is actually better velvia 50 has a grain of sms 9 and 100 has an sms 8 which is less grain


Yeah, it's got less grain but it also has noticeably less sharpness and saturation as well.


Velvia 100 is a cure without a disease.

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Velvia 100 being better than 50 is a matter of opinion. I've shot both films at the same time on identical subject matter and have a very strong preference for Velvia 50. Having an extra stop and better reciprocity does not impact the type of pictures I usually take. Just because the spec sheet says that 100 is better than 50 does not necessarily make it so. Film preferences are a very subjective thing - I happen to think that Velvia 100 has inferior colors and contrast compared to Velvia 50!


In my area I can still get plenty of Velvia 50 with expiration dates well into 2007. So to answer you main question: Velvia 50 is still alive.

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