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Konica Infrared


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Depends on the type IR film. HIE is very sensitive due it's going over 900nm.

Konica 750nm and Rollei IR-400 820nm. If you have an IR source near the HIE film it will be fogged.

750nm and 820nm films can be developed without any problem in a plastic developing tank. Rollei can be used in AF and auto transport cameras due to the fact the IR light diodes are outside the sensitive area. A lot of these cameras will fog HIE so it's not possible to use this film in these modern cameras.

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Seeing this post it stirred a few mwmory cells and looking in the fridge I found a cassette of Konica IR 750, dated 03/2003. is it even worth trying to use this, or is it likely to be a write off? the film has been refigerated from new. I appreciate that the easiest way would be to try it, but my time taking photographs is very limited, and I like to think I will have a sporting chance of something at the end of an outing! - Any suggestions much appreciated.




PS I bought it in about 2002 to try out IR - thats how limited for time I am at present!

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I have tried a handful of Konica IR films and everytime I've fogged it. I can't figure out why.

I've been careful loading and unloading it. I shoot it in a Hasselblad and have wondered if

something about that was a problem, but I don't have problems with anything else fogging.

The films were also from 2 different sources, so I can't assume it's the source's fault.


I gave up. (for the time being anyway)

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Hi David,


It's not a true IR film, merely and extended red like the Ilford product, furthermore, with a red filter the speed loss is bad and the IR filter speed loss is intolerable. Both of the extended red films have been discontinued years ago.


Use the Maco 820 product, available in all film sizes with very fine grain and high sharpness. It works very well.



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