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B+H now has Efke films!

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I'll put my money with JandC photo.com too. They have always had top drawer customer service. I recently placed an order and sent an email to get shipment status. The OWNER of the company sent me a personal, prompt email. You don't get service like that anymore....

And for what it's worth JandC is now offering a one year replacement warranty on all of their Efke/ADOX film sold in the U.S.

Plus, they're cheaper than BH Photo. Just keep in mind that JandC is using the ADOX brand name and not Efke. Same stuff in the box though.

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An interesting dilemma indeed. I spoke with Freestyle about this, just this past week and was told J&C has been told to cease advertising/selling Efke.


So I went to the J&C site and they were out of everything I wanted save for 1 very common film. Paper/chemistry.....nada. These people get their stock from Fotoimpex in Berlin (which is a very good company), but Freestyle deals with Fotokemika directly. Hence the lower price, and better selection.



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It has to do with a 5+ year long dispute regarding who actually owns the ADOX name. In N. America it used to be a Canadian firm (can't recall the name but I think they were selling Bluefire surveillance film) but they recently went belly-up.


If Freestyle bought the trade name - well, I hate to say it but J&C could have a problem.


Having said that, I find Freestyle sales associates rather inclined to serve up BS. They swore that Forte Photo VAC had bit the dust for good last June - then started selling their paper and film mere weeks later under the company name and their own Arista EDU Hungary brand.


I prefer B&H's rudeness over Freestyle's deception any day. And I prefer J&C over both.

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Al, I've never had that experience with Freestyle, although with J&C I would have to say definitely yes. When I worked in the city, I never found B&H clerks to be particularly rude per se, just extremely busy.


J&C dispenses BS as if it were air. Useless 800#, rude e-mails, the works. I've done more biz with Freestyle going back 20 years, so that they now offer Foma & Fotokemika products, gives me 1 stop shopping.


Of course, gotta keep that Rodinal flowing as well.

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