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Cold storage temp?

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Well, I've bought up all the Tech Pan I could find. I have hopes that

this film will last me many years. I have limited storage space, and

the film is on a shelf in a mini-fridge. The temp varies from about

25*F at the top of the film package, to about 40* at the bottom. I

was a little concerned about the temp being at/above/below freezing,

but then I realized the film isn't really "frozen". Well,

it's "frozen" at room temp, right? It doesn't melt at room temp.

There's no state change, so is this temp variation ok?

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True there is no change of phase, so "frozen" film isn't really frozen, it's just very cold.


As long as the film is sealed against moisture, the temperature variation won't hurt it, but the colder the better for long term storage. If you possibly can, transfer it to a deep-freeze. Be sure to give it several hours at room temp before you unseal it for use.


Since tech pan is a very slow film, it should be good for many years to come at stored at freezer temperatures. Fog will still accumulate over the years, but with slow film it will be very slight and probably not detectable. With high-speed films like TMZ, freezing won't extend the life much because cosmic rays will penetrate the freezer and eventually fog the film.


Enjoy your tech pan -- it's a great film and it's a darn shame Kodak saw fit to discontinue it.

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Hi Mike,


Freeze it, it will outlast you and your kids.


If you want to see Tech Pan at it's best, process it in Rodinal 1:100, film speed 64, 68F-7 minutes, 70F-6.5min, 72F-5.5min, 75F-5min


You'll love it, it has an interestingly warm tone and stunning quality.


email me if you want more information, lynn@austincc.edu



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