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Calumet - Philadelphia Store

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I guess this is an ok forum to put this in, considering my main

purpose for posting it. Which is the diminishing availability of B&W

chemistry and fiber based papers in stores in the Philadelphia area.

Usually deal with online B&H, Photographer's Formulary, J&C(?)...and

used Mid City Camera (Philadelphia, PA) as a place to pick up

something I inadvertanly forgot to online order. Well, there stocked

items in the darkroom category are getting pretty sparce, and old

stand bys like Acufine are not showing up on their shelves like they

use to.


Anyhow, recently noticed a Calumet Store in Philadelphia (happens to

be next to a movie theater I sometimes go to), and was wondering if

anyone in the Philly area had any comments on that particular retail

store. (The store recommended section of photo net didn't appear to

have anything recent on Calumet stores, except I believe the NYC


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Pick it up locally? Those days are over with! If you forget to order something on-line you're screwed. I visited the one remaining place that I know of in the north end of Miami-Dade County, Florida. I got a very good deal on a 250 sheet box of 8x10 RC paper, slightly out of date. Most of the other stuff I wanted they were out of. They offered to get anything I wanted. "We'll put in on our next order and you can pick it up next week." I can as easily order it myself and Fed-Ex will deliver direct to my door. Probably cheaper too!
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Unfortunately, now that I have moved back to west-central Wisconsin, my nearest "locally" is 100+ miles RT . . . or further. At 40+ cents/mile, it's way easier to do the on-line or phone thing! Calumet Photographic has always been a good source for chemistry & film and I really treasure the few times I get to the Chicago area to visit the "candy & toys" stores downtown! You are lucky to have a store nearby! I am sure it will try to get what you need if you choose to shop it frequently.
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There's a store just outside of Philadelphia, over the Betsy Ross bridge in NJ. <a href="http://www.thedarkroomstudios.com">Darkroom Studios</a>


Carries most of the common stuff: paper, film, developers, cameras, accessories. (I just bought Xtol, Acufine is also available, and more common stuff of course). I usuaully go there for printing. $6 an an hour to rent the darkroom.

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