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Over or under expose

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I am trying to remember which types of film are more sensitive to

over and under exposing. I know that if you overexpose digital, the

highlights get blown out rapidly and you can't get back any detail

in photoshop but there is recoverable detail in the shadow areas of

an underexposed frame.


I can remember (I think) that different types of film had similar

charecteristics. For instance, if you underexpose B&W film you can

still over-develop it and get the highlights.


What about colour print and slide film?


Thanks for the help I am sure I will get.



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Slide film is most sensitive to exposure errors, but slight underexposure (1/3 of a stop or so) may increase saturation with some films. Color print film (and B&W) is more forgiving, but it's best not to underexpose it. Many photographers intentionally rate color print film at a lower ISO so as to overexpose it slightly for best results. Underexposing either color print or B&W will cause loss of shadow detail that increased development will not recover.
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Do not overexpose digital, do not underexpose negative film, don't do either with slide film.


When in doubt, the most forgiving is color negative film exposed for the shadows.

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